Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday's Favorite Corner

Today, I have enjoyed all the birds visiting outside my kitchen table window. It's not really a corner, per se, but it is my favorite spot today. There have been a crazy amount of birds on my feeders this spring. All day, it was a constant flurry of action. I can't believe all the gold finches that are frequenting my deck! They are so pretty, I can just and watch them forever.

Looks like Fred and Frieda and perhaps some of their kin are enjoying the free meals too. They are a bit more skiddish than the gold finches. As soon as there's a movement, they scatter. There is a gold finch, in contrast, who is not afraid of anything. Frankie (my mom's corgi mix) can come up the stairs and this bird holds tight to his feeder. Doesn't seem to be worried by it. Funny.

Jack and Diane (my doves) have also been enjoying the black oil sunflower seeds in my larger feeder. They get right in there and go to town. They are always together and look so sweet.

My mom has three or four feeders in her neck of the woods (under the deck) and I have no idea what is going on down there. Another smorgasborg, I'm sure. She keeps the bird bath cleaned every day (God bless her--I don't have the patience), and the cardinals especially love that. I can see them splashing about each morning getting cleaned up for the day.

Now you all can see why Miss Bev is chomping-at-the-bit to get outside. Talk about a feast! ha.
"The other side of the glass."


Peggy said...

we are having alot of finches too. I do so love watching them! I sit on the deck every chance I get and watch the feeders and birdbath to see who is visiting. I have 3 hummingbirds that come back every year too.

Anonymous said...

We are also enjoying an array of backyard birds at the feeders. I really liked your post, your blog is interesting too!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

As usual, I love every corner of your beautiful house!

In Switzerland, our trees are not yet as green as yours... It's very nice.

The picture of your two subjugated cats is really great! They look a bit like mine when they see a fly out on the balcony...



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