Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Sun of My Days, the Moon of My Nights

The hub is finally on his way home. He had a stop over in Hell-A and will be here around 4:30. About time, I say. Geesh.

I sat in my new favorite spot watching the sun set in between my rosemary and my lavender plants. Are there two more fragrant plants around? I can just sit there and pinch a piece of each and be transformed to another place and time. Those are my two favorite smells in the world!

Do bees sleep? I couldn't help but keep an eye on two bumble bees that seemed to either be sleeping or had just expired on my lavender. I should have looked today to see if the same ones were there, but it's way too hot back there mid-day. Yuck. The weather turned nasty again today after spoiling us here in middle Tennessee for two delightful days of cool breezes and no humidity.

After dropping the teenager off at work, the kid, Rootie and I went and had some ice cream. I don't think I like all these fandangled places where you add umpteen different things to your ice cream. I really didn't enjoy what I "concocted" (rocky road). Give me either chocolate, vanilla or butter pecan, period. Rootie enjoyed her "cone/cup" (no ice cream), I had chocolate, almonds with marshmellows and the kid got chocolate with gummy bears. I think Rootie enjoyed hers more than us! She almost ate the cup too-- Miss Piggy, that she is. Look at the face! "I dare you to try and take it back!"

Well, we're off to get the hub at the airport. I may just have to haul off and sock him when I seem him! hehe. This trip was way too long--for both of us. Sigh.


Peggy said...

Enjoy the time with your hubby and have a wonderful weekend. Your package is on its way.

trailbee said...

Lavender? Love it. Planted it on our septic area. I sleep with a sock of buds, and have it in my car, and in my pockets for exams. I like rosemary, but after planting a whole parkway with it, enjoying it for four years, it was murder to remove it. It digs in, takes over and drops all those nice flammable needles on the ground. Of course, since you are in Tennessee, Rosa, and not hot CA, you probably will have much better luck with it.

Carole Burant said...

Glad to hear your hubby is back...sounds like it was about time!lol Love the you, I prefer just plain ice cream, preferably chocolate:-)

Vintage Wine said...

I agree with you, I prefer icecreams with just one flavour & without any strange toppings :-)

Miss Robyn said...

guess he is back by now, how did he enjoy Aus?

Peggy said...

Sorry Rosa! I had posted the swap package once and it disappeared into the unknown so I waited a couple of hours and did another post only to find out several hours later they both showed up!

Beth said...

Mmmmm,,,I agree with you Rosa,,Lavender and Rosemary,,they both smell heavenly. Love the Rootie and his Ice cream face,,lol. Glad the hub is home, have a wonderful sunday together!
Wish the cool weather would come back again!

TJ said...

Loved your chair and the beautiful pictures you shared...

Keriann said...

I totally have to agree with you on the ice cream deal-just give me some "plain" homemade vanilla or butter pecan and let me have at it!

I love your blog :) And thanks for showing me the way to Merryville!



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