Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'm Mad as Hell, and I'm Not Going to Take it Anymore!


I just had to say that. I'm stressing. My own doing. But I wish the hub were here to stress with me or at least tell me I'm being silly (as he normally does). He's been gone way too long. Grrrr. That's all I'm going to say. (Momma always said, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything."

I won't say anything, then.


savvycityfarmer said...

You said it so well.

Thanks for stopping by to take a peek at the hollyhocks.

Will the hub be home soon.?

savvycityfarmer said...

Forgot to mention that I have you on my "favorites."

savvycityfarmer said...

husband found an application on Jasc software that tears the edges of the pics. Cool, huh???

Lena said...

Oh dear, wish I could think of something that would make you feel better...

Daisy Lupin said...

Dear me, sounds like you are feeling down. What's that phrase and was it from Gone with the Wind ' Tomorrow is another day'. Keep thinking that. Love xx

Annie Jeffries said...

I'm Grrrrr'ing right along with you Rosa. See? Don't you feel better already??? Harmonic Grrrr'ing. Makes everything right and tight every time. When's hubby getting home?

TJ said...

That was my mamaw's famous sayin'...too bad she can't keep it herself!!
It's your blog...say on...sista!!!

Anonymous said...

You're being silly ... I'll be home in a day!


The "Hub"



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