Thursday, July 27, 2006

Like, Oh My Gawd

Johnny Depp is da man, da bomb. The kid calls me from St. Louis to tell me that Johnny is on Letterman. Of course, we know that ALL women love Johnny Depp (especially me and Leenda). After watching him on the show, all I have to say is, HAS he not aged to perfection? Oh, yes, he has. Oh, yes. (Sorry, hub.) Wow. Enough written. Sigh.


Carole Burant said...

Wiping drool off my chin...sighhhh he sure is a sight to behold!! hehe

SnowWhite said...

had to go take a cold shower lol, not a bad looking man huh. I love the jaw line you could cut paper on that lol hmmm yummmmmy I wonder if he likes woman with children and stretch marks lol

The fabric of my life said...

Isn't he just the most delicious man ever? I don't know a woman who doesn't love him ;-)

Tea said...

He is soooooo gorgeous! And that fact that he refuses to have Hollywood push him into a sex symbol makes him so sexy! I love his eccentricity.

Naturegirl said...

Yes I watched him too and agree w/ you! Would you not want to get on his island w/ him oh yes!! I always find him kind of coy on interviews.

andrea said...

I couldn't agree more! I hate running with the crowd but denying Johnny is like denying chocolate. It can't be done.

Daisy Lupin said...

So glad to be able to get back on your blog Rosa, some days it won't let me on and knocks my server off, but as I say glad to be back, and see there is plenty to read that I have missed. Gorgeous picture of Mr. Depp by the way, how does he manage to stay so young looking? Love xx



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