Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another Day on the Ranch

Now doesn't that look satisfying? It is. I have been enjoying my large cup each morning filled to the brim with cafe au lait. More lait than cafe, as you can see. There's something about this cup that makes coffee so much better. The handle is wonderfully engineered--the thumb fits perfectly on top, the pointer finger through the center and a there's a little notch on the bottom for the middle finger to sit comfortably while lifting the oversized cup. It's just lovely. The design is so pretty to look at too. I love it!

The teenager survived his first concert. He called about midnite with another code 12 (stranded out at his friend's house who lives in the country). Apparently, they had used more gas sitting in traffic trying to get out of the parking lot than expected (newbies). They stopped off at the driver's house to get some gas money from his mom, to no avail; and thus came the code 12 call. Of course, I was already in my PJs; and since I was on E too, I had to get half dressed in order to pump at the gas station. Then we had to drive another friend who was also a code 12 and he lived even further out! By the time I got home, I was WIDE awake and was up until about sunrise this morning, tossing and turning. Awwww, motherhood. I'm not complaining though. I was happy to get him and make sure he was still alive and breathing! He was totally dehydrated, muddy from head to toe and down-right tired. He didn't even want the radio on during the ride home. hehe. Poor guy. His initiation into live rock and roll was totally exhausting. He was able to get an autographed copy of Korn's new cd and was picked out of the audience to wait and meet the band (he had a Korn t-shirt on which I guess helped). Unfortunately, there were a lot of kids who were asked to stand in line to meet them; and by the time the teenager got even close, it was almost time for them to go onstage. Poor guy. He wanted "Fieldy" to just touch his hat. haha. Too cute. He woke up this morning sore. I had to laugh. Awww, the good ol' days. I told him he used muscles he probably didn't even know existed! He said his jaw (from head banging/gritting his teeth, I guess) was sore and he had a couple of bruises from the mosh pit. I just had to smile (and thank God he lived through it!).

I've already begun to re-decorate my new piece in the powder room. Of course, I didn't like the off-white basin on the white marble. The hub had given me this basin set when we were first married and lived in Georgetown. There was a little consignment shop around the corner that sold the most lovely things. This is also French so I knew it would fit. I forgot to mention my favorite part of the table. It has these two swinging arms under the drawer for towels. Isn't that genius? Of course, Miss Bev had to get in to smell it. (Look at her poor scratches from her allergies. She seems to be doing better on her duck & green peas--faw faw faw!). I put my lavender batches on the shelf underneath and added some extra towels and soaps in the drawer. I'm having so much fun with it.

I've been doing odd jobs all weekend. Since it's been quiet without the kid and the hub, I've got some work done. I replanted some petunias in the window box that had fallen when I had the house cleaned on the outside. Of course, when it fell, all the flowers were knocked loose and they died. Grrrr. It looks kind of funny with one flourishing and the other brown and dead. Too late in the season to plant a lot, so I just added a pot of petunias and called it done.

I got the litter boxes cleaned out. A major job in itself. I can be a tad neurotic when it comes to those icky things. I'll let them go for a month or so before I do a complete overhaul. (Of course, they're scooped out every day, ew.) Each one is scrubbed out, set outside for the day to dry and air, the floor scrubbed and then I begin the task of my neurosis taking over. I line the floor with newspaper, then cover that with art paper, tape it down and then I start filling the litter boxes. I swear. I even found a new fandangled filter/register that fits over my vent in the floor. Extra fresh air coming in now! hehe. Look at it while it's clean. The cats will have litter and shredded paper within a day or two! P-I-G-S! And of course, they can be outside all day but wait to use the litter box when they come in. Duh.

I cleaned out underneath the kitchen sink which was despicable. Ew. It smelled mildewy for some reason. I didn't find anything wet, so dunno. Probably something I threw away was stinky. I hate my kitchen, period. Everything is starting to go in it. The faucet is loose and drips (which is probably where the moisture comes from). I won't even go into it. Nevermind. But, that job is finally done.

Now, I only have to decide where to put this, which came out of the powder room. Once you start with something new, it's a domino effect. And then there's this ...... still sitting on the island waiting to be put somewhere else since moving from the powder room.

My kitchen table (and floor) is still a mess with art supplies just calling my name. I just wanted to get things cleaned up while I could before I start another mess. Now I'm too tired to start tonight. Maybe tomorrow. hehe. Famous last words, right?

The hub and kid are one their way home from St. Louis. They had a fabulous time. I can't wait to see them!! Overall, it was a pretty productive weekend. Got more done than I normally do when there's everyone running around. Yahoo.


Shelley said...

Love your house! Very lovely and homey. The cup is gorgeous too. Hope you had a lovely Sunday.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That cup is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love the design. Who makes that? And All your other dear goodies...beautiful! I love the old Pitchers and bowls....I have one that is all flowered and really really pretty.
That new/old piece now in your bathroom is a beautful piece...And the kitty, too(lol) I've never seen cat pans like that before....And what kind of litter do you use that only ha to be changed once a month? Your home looks very beautiful and comfy, too!

Thanks for your visit!

kirsten said...

Thanks for the sweet comment :) My second son is seventeen, so I can relate! There's nothing like the smell of teenaged boy bedroom...

TJ said...

that's right Rosa...I'm up at 4am...stinkin' ulcer! I was finally allowed by my computer to view your blog...usually I hit your name and my Internet Explorer decides to play I was amazed when it let come over!! I missed so many posts...maybe this is a good thing...I hope it lets me come more often!
I loved, loved, loved all your new china...I remember wondering what was in your box for I had missed the posts before and you never said...just showed that might have said but you know my computer*rolls eyes*...I need me one of those cups and saucers for my poem from yesterday...also cause I just want throught your backposts and glad to see ol' Johnny,my,my,my,my....
made my mornin' it did! I'm a Huge fan!!
Hope your hemp breaks and all your wishes come true!!!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I'm glad to hear that everything went well for your teenager ;-))!...

I love your new cup; it sure does look very classy!

Your litter boxes look great; I've never seen any like those. They look like UFO's! Yes, cats are PIGS! Why do they have to scatter everything around?! It always makes me mad to see that my work (cleaning the box, floor, etc...) gets spoilt within a few seconds (especially after our little tiger's laborious and endless scratching in the toilet!)!!!

Miss Robyn said...

so what are you going to be making with the art supplies? can't wait to see it. what a great time you have had! funny how we always seem to clean & tidy when we are by ourselves instead of pampering ourselves. xox

Mark McLellan said...


And I though my weekend were busy catching up on the domestic "to do" lists! My approach to the litter tray (since we are down to one cat and only need one tray) is to have two. Install the clean one first with fresh litter, then I can remove the old one, clean it and let it dry at leisure ready to be stored in the cellar for the next cycle.

Since it is a fact the boys have no sense of smell (or can smell but don't care) it it normally a male "priviledge" to do things like clean up after the cat. That is certainly the case in our household.

Also for the benefit of your English readers could you translate "Code 12".

Isabella in the 21st Century said...

Hi Rosa

Your new stuff looks great! My 8 year old read your blog and said "mummy, this lady is just lkike you!" She particularly liked your comment about the coffee tasting nicer when you drink from a pretty cup! So true!

Janet said...

You have been busy! I love to get work done when its just me at home. I agree with some of the others....where did you find those cat litter boxes? They look great! My two cats make a mess in no time at all.

I'm having my morning coffee right now but not in a cup as lovely as yours.

eyes_only4him said...

well i like the photo, but i LOATH the smell but i would rather drink luke warm tap water:)

love your pics too..very nice

Vita said...

Your story started out so peacefully with the lovely cup of yummy looking coffee, then decended into chaos with code 12 (does that mean call for ride after midnight?) litter boxes (They are some nice looking litter boxes. I have two cats and two boxes, too.) under sink horrors, broken window boxes, (Your Miss Bev is so pretty, and your photos are, too. Glad she's doing better on her duck pea diet.) Can't you just throw some dark cloth thing between the marble and the wash basin? Anyway, whew! I liked your story about your weekend.

Carole Burant said...

Glad to hear your son survived...barely...his first live concert! lol Wonder if he's deaf this morning too? lol You cup and saucer are so lovely...I love my cup of coffee in the morning but I just a big old mug so should treat myself to a nice set like yours:-)
It's always easier to get more done around the house when the hubby and kids are gone...when they're around, it seems impossible to get anything done!!

Susie said...

Sounds like you had a very productive time. I loved getting things cleaned and organized (if only they'd stay that way!)
Love your litter boxes... My Vincent won't go outside either! (strictly a litter box sort of guy)

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

You are very busy and it almost made me tired thinking of everything that you have been doing. I am happy that your teenage son made it home and all in one piece. I am also happy that he thought it wise to call his mother. That is vry good!! You have a beautiful home!! I only have a kitchen because the house came with it!! I am not a cook!! Thanks for visiting me today on my Monday Memories...Sandy

weirdbunny said...

What a lovely mother you are getting up in the night for your son. When I'd left home, living with friends and working, my father still used to drive into the capital to pick me up at 2.ooam in the morning after I'd been clubing and very drunk, to make sure I got home safe and sound!! He also used to come over to my flat to pick me up for overtime at work at 6.30 in the morning on weekends only for me to turn him away, saying that I was too tired to go. What a saint my Dad was putting up with me!

Boxwood Cottage said...

You have such a beautiful home Rosa! I love the old washbowl and the pitcher with died flowers and the glass cake stand with glassdome on the kitchen bar very much!



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