This was actually a week ago, before we left for London, before it got hotter-than-the-dickens here! The kid wanted me to post it, and so I am. We (me and the kid) decided to take Frankie (my mom's dog) for a walk since the vet told us he was way
overweight (kind of like
me). It had been nice and cool and so we packed up the dog and off we went. Rootie was not invited because she doesn't know how to walk. She goes from side to side, sniffing every leaf of grass and pulling like a plow horse. Therefore, she stayed home. She wasn't too pleased to see Frankie getting in the car without her, let me tell you!

When you enter Crockett Park, there are two houses you will notice straight away. The first one you come upon,
The Cool Springs House, was built in the 1830s and was occupied until 1993 when the city of Brentwood took it over as part of the parkland. There was a wedding going on the day we were there. The maids of honor wore chocolate brown tea dresses with beautiful wide pink satin sashes around their waists. I wish I could have taken a picture of them! But, here, you can barely see the men. They all had pink shirts on! Too sweet! The second house in is a log cabin, also from the 1830s and was moved here in the late 1990s after being donated to the city of Brentwood. Look at Middle Tennessee's beautiful skies! The cloud formations here are breathtaking!

Look at all the wild honeysuckle. Love them! I remember as a child pulling the honey out of the flowers and eating it. The kid loves to do this, too. Look at the amount of honey he got out of this first one. And he gave it to me to savor! He's the best. It was everywhere and the air was so sweet with the smell.

There are creeks running in and out of the park; and the sun was so pretty filtered through the trees here, I couldn't resist capturing the moment. It was such a beautiful day. There were quite a few dry spots in areas; but I'm sure now it is babbling through as we've had quite a bit of rain recently. And, then there's Frankie. A dog with a mission and a smile.
What abrilliant place to visit.
Your mention of the fragrant smell of honeysuckle brings childhood springtime memories rushing back. The ever so faint sweet taste of the tiny drop of nectar plucked from within the flower made me hunger for the next. And I remember the caterpillar nests wrapped in their billowy white silklike mass cocoons in the branches of the trees high above. Then there were the blackberries that we kids would break open and paint our skin with their deep purple insides much to the dismay of our parents. The days of Fox Street long past will forever remain as fond memories for both of us, I am sure.
Oh yes! And poison ivy! I was the one allergic to it!!
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