Nashville is out of gas. I've been meaning to write about this latest fiasco on good ol' American soil, but I have been so preoccupied with other things (that I will write about later).
I admit, sometimes I just flutter about totally oblivious to some things going on around me. I guess I was fluttering about this week when a shortage of gas began here in Nashville. I had an appointment on Thursday to get my hair cut and got so sick in the afternoon (nerves) that I had to cancel and make it for Friday. So, I made it there on Friday and I'm sitting there next to a woman on her cell phone (
of course) carrying on her
personal conversation for all of us to hear. I hear her start talking about not being able to get gasoline. My ears perked up and she proceeded to tell (all of us within hearing distance) that she was unable to find a gas station that had any gas in the area. Wha? Ok, I filled my buggy up before Ike hit and before the prices were raised, like almost two weeks ago. I still have over a 1/4 tank left in the car. I did drive by a station in my errands Friday morning and glanced over to see how much gas was. The station had taken all the number off the sign. I figured, like any other American, they just don't want to tell us how much they're charging us today. I drove on by.

Then I sit in the chair with my hairdresser. She goes on to tell me the lines trying to get gas the night before in MY neighborhood were over a mile long! Over an hour wait to get gas! OMG! I couldn't even believe it. (These photos are borrowed from The Tennessean.)

{Rant On} And so, yes indeed, we are completely out of gas here in the Nashville area. Mind boggling. You'd think after the shortage in the 70s, America would have kept their eye on continuing to push out cars with a better fuel efficiency or at least purchase the ones that get more than 6 miles to the gallon. But no. We had to elect a president who gave tax breaks to purchasers of big gas guzzling SUVs. What? What the hell? And idiots bought into it. You wouldn't believe how many Hummers and Range Rovers and big old trucks and SUVs drive around the streets of Nashville with their pretty little "mine is bigger than yours" driver behind the wheel (who normally keep their gas guzzlers
running while they pop into the store!). OMG! We are in the thick of some scary times people. Let's all WAKE UP! {Rant Off}
Ok, I'm going to go and flutter about now.
Crazy! Strange times, indeed!
Gosh, I had no idea. I hope all is back to normal for you soon. I don't know if Galveston will ever recover, not to mention New Orleans.
OMG! I just posted about the same thing! Its amazing to me that we are in this shape. Not so bad out were I am out but they are only selling regular. Mom and I saw some amazing lines this week-end and some pissed off people!
Yikes. Our prices went up after Ike, but then dropped to below-Ike prices this week. I need to get a bit today or tomorrow to fill up so that when I go north next weekend, I'm not paying the full magilla. Have you noticed gas stations closing in your area? I've seen several go caput.
It's the same here in Atlanta. For the 2nd week. It's mostly panic buying of gas. Deliveries are still coming in, but people mob the stations when it gets here.
Okay, this is scaring me. Back in the 70's when we had to wait in lines for gas, I was young and patient. Now - not so much.
That's unbelievable!! I remember having to wait in line in the 70's for gas......I agree with Vallen about being young and patient back then.....and now, not so much (if at all)
How does this happen in 2008 for crying out loud?
p.s. feel free to rant anytime!
hi from twilight zone Atlanta we have the same thing going on here ... no gas or if there is a wait... people in panic mode... I need to go out and see if Chicken little was on to something the sky is falling ... well, at least the part over Wall St.
I just heard this on the radio today! Oh my GOSH! How awful! The huge hummers irritate me so much! They might as well have a sign painted on the side...."Look at ME!" thats what they're all about.....
rant over!
I don't drive an awful lot, but just in case, I'm going to keep my tank full!
I am going out to do errands this morning and hope to be able to top my gas tank off. I have a half of tank but want to keep it full if possible. With the economy and gas problems I think we are in for a bumpy ride!
And yet..hands of ANWAR. No offshore drilling. Liberal thinking is killing us.
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