Saturday, February 16, 2008

Happy 84th Birthday Mom!!

We always surprise mom with a dozen balloons to wake up to on her birthday! Today, she walked straight through them and didn't even notice!

My oldest brother Joe sent her a little stuffed puppy, which she fell in love with immediately. I think Frankie may have a little competition!

She made her wish and blew out all the candles in one breath! Yay!

And you know I can't post without a macro shot. I just love icing art. I took a class once on cake decor; and the instructor never showed up. Perhaps there lay my baking dilemma?

We are so fortunate to have mom here with us. She blesses us each and every day with her love.


Heidi said...

Your mom is adorable! Happy Birthday to that beautiful lady!

She looks just incredible for her age! Goes to show ya, it is all about how you feel!

What a lovely cake! Love those colors!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rosa's Mom!

I'm amazed at what they do with icing now!

Hope you have an awesome day!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Happy Birthday to your mum and all the very best!

That cake's decoration is fantastic!



Peggy said...

Happy Birthday Mom!! What a blessing to have such a wonderful lady for your mom!!

Carole Burant said...

Happy Birthday MOM!!! She looks beautiful at 84...hope I can look half as good when I'm that age! lol What a very special birthday cake as well, just gorgeous. I'm sure you've made her day a very wonderful one:-) xox

Beth said...

Oh,,I Love those pictures of your Mom. She does look great for her age. Love the stuff doggy and the cake was beautiful. I posted pics of our birthday celebration on my blog. I will call you tomorrow, Girlfriend. Look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Much Love and Hugges!!!

robin laws said...

what a big day! i hope to be as healthy and lookin' as good as your mom when i get to be 'older'. that is a stupendous cake! i would love to have a big piece. happy birthday to your mom!

weirdbunny said...

Oh the cake looks lovely, Happy Birthday Rosa's mum !

KaiBlue said...

Happy birthday to your Mummie Rosa.
I got your email and the box will be coming to you soon.. I'll let you know when i mail it.
Peace, Kai xx

Naturegirl said...

Rosa I come in by way of Kai and I say Congratulations on winning her draw and I wish your dear mother a
Happy Birthday!
How blessed we are to have our dear mothers to celebrate their birthday mom is 83 and I posted her
birthday tribute ~My Dec. Rose! mother has Dimentia which saddens me
terribly. I also love to post my roses. Nice meeting you and your mom!

Lena said...

Every time I see your mom's smile, I smile too. I think she is so pretty.

I wish her a very happy birthday.

Jeanie said...

It looks like your mother's birthday was just lovely! What a pretty lady (and pretty cake, too -- nice macro!) Wish her well from me as well!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lily Sue!!!! Jay and you have the same wonder I fell in love with him! Sorry I missed it Rose. We have been outa town for the PA State Ski Racing Finals. Hank did 16th in the state. Not too bad but still he's disappointed. Give mama a big kiss for me! XXOO ~ Amy

Vallen said...

Happy b-day Rosemary's mom. Her birthday is just a week from my mom's and one year apart. Her cake is gorgeous, that is the most beautiful blue icing.

Shelley said...

Beautiful mom, beautiful cake. Happy Brithday!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...such sweetness...(your mom and the cake!)




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