It's been raining here since last night. It's beautifully foggy today. We were supposed to get a little freezing rain or snow but no deal. Think we all were hoping for a little more of the white stuff before we go into full-fledged spring fever mode. After taking this photo of one of the hollies on the side yard, I noticed there is not one berry. Wonder what the
migrating robins are going to eat during their pass through? They are normally the ones to rid the hollies of
all their berries.

I'm getting a little antsy about getting out and cleaning up the beds. They look a little dishelveled, don't ya think?

I went out this morning to run some errands and came back to oily pawprints all over the countertop. I had oiled the soapstone sink before I left, and I suppose Dave (I know it was him) had to investigate. lol. It takes about three products to clean the countertops of any prints. Fun.
I am still struggling to get this kitchen finished, if you can believe it. The countertop folks come back on Thursday to "seal" the Silestone. Yep, seal it. Isn't that why you get Silestone vs. granite? So there's no upkeep? On this particular style, you can see every little fingerprint. It's almost as bad as black stainless steel! Ooooooof! Anyway, the rep swears this new chemical will seal it and make it so it won't absorb oils and such. Fingers' crossed. This kitchen is going to be the death of me. The second icemaker was delivered today, a full four months after it was decided that the other had the wrong door to sit flush. Do you think the new one sits flush? Nope. The cabinets weren't made deep enough for a flush door, come to find out. Same ol' same ol'. Shoot me now and put me out of my misery. grin.
The good news is I got just about all the Christmas stuff put away, hurray! There's still a couple of pieces that need to be boxed--somehow everything didn't fit back like I had it. Hmmmmm. lol. I am glad to have it out of sight. It was beginning to wear on my nerves, what little nerves I have left, anyway.

When I got home last week, I started conquering my desk (which has been relocated to the study). I'm like a gypsy, I can't stay in one place too long. ha. It's been moved at least three times in the last year. Go figure. Saving grace is I have to clean it each time, so it's all good. I decided to move it into the corner so I could see everything going on in the house. Better feng shui not having your back to any doors. I'm all for better feng shui. I'm loving it in its new spot. I do have to squeeze a tad to get into the corner. Not sure if I like the two chairs together; but they'll stay that way for a while. The rocking chair is non functional under the big horn of the old Edison but it too will stay there until someone knocks their head on it then it will retire to a new spot in the house. And guess what? My printer is on the other side of the room with NO wires! Woooohooo! I think everything these days should be wireless, don't you?

And here are the new views I have; I can see the front of the house, I can see the

back of the house. How about that? Too comfy.

Well, you know what happens when you start moving stuff around. What do you do with all the junk? It just gets moved to another spot--say the dining room table--to sort through. I'm in the middle of ordering the teenager's senior photos. Oy. What a joy that is, NOT. In actuality, they're not as expensive as I thought they would be. Big surprise there. It's just difficult choosing from like 20 shots in four different locations. I do have to say, 15 of the 20 are junk. I can't believe they call themselves photographers. Geesh. Anyway, it's kinda fun, regardless. I can hardly believe this time next year, he will be finishing up his first year of college! Oh OH OH!! He was excepted at University of Tennessee! Wooohoo. I think I had mentioned that University of Alabama had accepted him way back when. We are now waiting to hear from Auburn; and then he will make his choice. So proud of that "boy."
And so, it's about dinner time. Looks like it's just me and the kid tonight--hub still in NYC. Hmmm, what will it be tonight? Leftovers!
Well you sounded like you were a busy beaver yesterday. I am so ready for spring so I can play in the dirt. This weather is just too depressing. Suppose to be a nice warm up starting this week-end. I am also so ready for the week-end, never feel like doing much of any thing when I get home from work. Still thinking about what a fun time we had monday.
Huggles to you!!!!
you have so many new topics to select from for commenting since i last visited rosa! i selected yesterdays post in order to say i love seeing your your little angel/fairy den in the garden. a sweet photo :) and the first thing i saw upon coming to your page was your green green and i do mean GREEN holly bush with the drops of water scattered here and there.....a balm to the eyes and gardeners heart....
Congratulations to your son on his acceptance!
I think your room is very pretty. I'm feeling the need to do similar sorts of projects around my home too. I think it'sll be another month or so, before I head out to do much gardening, but then it will be time to prune the roses.
Thank you for inviting us in. I love visiting your home - it is spacious, luxurious and homey.
It's grand that your son has some choices and at such wonderful places.
The house looks lovely! Three cheers for putting things away -- I've rather a long way to go, myself!
And congrautlations on U of T. Sounds like he has lots of options. That's great!
And by the way, I can relate to your dining room table. 'Nuf said.
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