I simply cannot believe that it is only mid August yet Mother Nature seems to think it's Autumn here in Middle Tennessee. No complaints Mother Nature. None at all.

And with fall comes cleaning--nesting.

Remember how nice the basement kitchen looked? Well, no longer. The boys brought all my junk down from the office. Yep two staircases up and down. I think the hub was willing to do it only because he now has his office back. Regardless, most of it is here now for me to sort through,
again. I still have my sewing machine to put somewhere along with my
OLD scrap booking table with all the kids' photos. I don't think I ever even started a book for the kid. Now that digital scrap booking is easy enough, who wants to use the originals? Not me. So, who knows what I'll do there. Maybe ignore it for another couple of years, then blow the dust off, pack it up and move it,

I'd love to have 1/100th of any of these ladies' talents. Til then, I'll look up the magazine "
Where Women Create" and take some tips perhaps. Maybe that will motivate me. Let's hope.

I hardly need to go anywhere else except over to Robin's
Thrifty Miss Priss. Take a look at what she did to her studio. Isn't it precious? Mine could never be this nice. lol

I'm just happy I have a new place to try and create. Period. Let's see what happens down there.

Frankie is kinda confused by all the action. Today I took everything out of mom's bedroom. The carpet needs to be replaced. I'll have call into my floor guy this week and get moving on that. Frankie has been spending more time upstairs with us. I have baby gates that quarantine him to the kitchen and family room so the cats have the run of the rest of the house. He has only barked once, at Abby, who was quite surprised to see him. Bella did a Flinstone maneuver yesterday where she was trying to run but was going nowhere. Just spinning her paws. Frankie just sat there and looked at her like "
What is that thing?" She kinda resembled the Tasmanian Devil whirling about. She's been a tad more cautious today.

Time to chill a bit and enjoy the last of the summer watermelon. Mmmm.
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you, Rosemary.. I never got into the fancy scrapbooking. I have lots of photo albums and even scrap books---but none compare to the new scrapbooks that people do these days.
Our last watermelon wasn't nearly as good as the ones we had in July. Guess it's the end of the season.
Yes---we LOVE this nice weather also. I wish I could 'bottle it' ---and use it later when it gets hot again. ha
Busy, busy, busy. I don't think you ever slow down! You'll enjoy your space for your creative things. I can just see Bella and her Flintstone maneuver. Too funny. Watermelon .. I never get my fill!
I think you are every bit as talented as all the women in the magazine, and when it comes to creatively making a space wonderful, no one holds a candle to you.
I hope you finish your studio soon. I'm looking forward to being inspired by the things that you make. I loved the cigar boxes that you made, and I know that you inspired many others with the one that you made for me.
I am loving Where Women Create magazine. It's my favorite of all the Sommerset publications, so far.
I love that sky! Here also, Mother Nature thinks it's autumn eventhough it's still very hot!
I also think the trees are beginning to look as though they are changing slightly. Seems like we have not had much of a summer here, rain, rain and more rain. Thanks for visiting my journal.
Looks like you got it moving in the right direction, Girlie! I wish I wasn't working or I would be over there helping you with it all. Got something wrong with my side and have to go have a ultrasound on it today. Yippee.
Talk to you soon!
The cooler weather has hit us too, which is fine just so long ashot temps don't attack a few weeks down the line. I hate having to readjust my wardrobe.
It seems like we just started our summer over here but after a week of hot weather, now it`s back to being in the 60`s! I`m not complaining either, these power surges of mine certainly don`t need the heat Mother Nature can sometimes gift us with! lol
I know it`s a lot of work going through everything but you`ll feel so good once it`s all done:-) Oh, I love how some people decorate their studios but no doubt yours will be just as beautiful once you`re done with it!!
One can only imagine what`s going through Frankie`s mind! lol
Love ya, girl! xoxo
oh my gosh! You are so sweet to show my little picture up there! LOL you should see that room tonight! Trying to create some things for my daughters bridal shower and it looks BAD!
Poor Frankie! He looks all puzzled! He thinks you are taking his house apart bit by bit! Give him a big squeeze from me!
So glad you are getting a studio back! Your art is absolutely beautiful and I so love it -- it will be nice to see it again -- and I hope you'll share it soon!
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