There'd be days like these.
Well, she never really did, but it sounds good doesn't it.

I say "when all fails ya, sit down and drink tea."

Or have some sweet cake.
I'm becoming Friday challenged. I always try and think of something good to make the nurses. Today, my idea was making muffins. Not even the from-scratch kind. Some cake maker has a wonderful "restaurant" style blueberry-streusel type, right from the box. Of course, I always add a little extra this and that. I've made them a hundred times,
or more.
This morning, I make a special trip to the store. Get the box and even found a new apple flavor. Go home, get everything out to make them. No veggie oil. Back to the store.
K. I measure everything, start-a-mixing. Hmmm. Seems a tad watery. That's only because I put an
EXTRA CUP OF WATER in the mix! Lord have mercy. Baking challenged. I added some sugar, then some flour and so forth, trying to save the batter. Poor little guys. Never rose. Guess I should have added a little salt and baking powder. Oy.
K. So on to a back-up plan. Well, I tried my new muffin top pan on the apple recipe. Only made six muffin tops. Not enough for the nurses.
Back-up plan No. 2. Doughnuts. Went to the doughnut shop on the way to mom's. OUT of doughnuts. LOL. Wha???
K. Back-up plan No. 3. Hmmm, those pizza dunking sticks sure are good. Maybe they would like a batch of them. Little Caesar's' no longer makes them.
K. Next door to Sonic. "Yes, may I have two dozen of your little cinnamon dunks?" "Uh, we
don't sell them any more."
Lord have mercy. I give up. Time for the old standby.
All the way back to my neck-of-the-woods for Krispy Kremes. Now I KNOW they have doughnuts.
So, it took me over an hour to go 7 miles, round and round, to mom's with goodies.
If momma talked, she'd say, "
hun, there will always be days like these!"
I came home and had tea and a shrunken mini-blueberry thingy. They weren't too bad after I sprinkled them with some natural sugar crystals. :-P
Happy Friday.