My new Cyber-shot came in yesterday! Yea!! Unfortunately, I didn't open it until late last night, but I've been playing with it ever since. Too much fun. The newest feature is the panoramic capability.

And this is us playing with it last night. New vs. old.

Broken but not forgotten.

Two oldies but goodies.

Midnight jumping jacks. Wonder if it was Jack who invented them?

This morning, the cats were all over my clean clothes I had just pulled out of the dryer. Guess they were cold. Awwww.

Guess I'm going to have to get faster in the folding department.

There's a new feature on the new Cyber-shot for animals. It's suppose to be able to take the photo and keep them in focus if they move. Caught Dave's "Whatchyou lookin' at?" face.

And Bella's "better than thee" drinking (won't have anything to do with the water bowl, mind you).

Okay, now let me back way up to yesterday's visit with
Beth and her mom, Lottie. (Photos taken with my old, old Cyber-shot.)

We painted pumpkins.

And then waxed them. They turned out beautifully. We also started some Autumn banners which are still in the development stage. Will have to share those later.

We got our group shot in. ha. We all had the best time.

Lottie had made pimento cheese and chicken salad, her son had made some strawberry bread and I brought a Mexican layer dip and some Chex mix munchies. Mmmmmm. Have the get the good eats in with all that hard work! It was a delightful day and we promised to get together at least once a month. There's no excuse not to!

On my way home, I spied another one of my low clouds over the hill. I snapped this quickly and captured it! Yea. I love these! This is right near the Natchez Trace Parkway which is a 444-mile parkway that goes all the way down to Southern Mississippi. You can barely see the bridge in the background.

After arriving home, the hub and kid told me we were having dinner down in
The Gulch, a trendy area in Nashville that has opened some new restaurants (and Urban Outfitters!). We ended up at
Urban Flats, a restaurant that specialized in flat breads. I was in heaven, of course, and off my diet immediately!

We started with some spreads that included red pepper, pesto, macadamia and a tapenade. Yummy. The flat bread was to die for.

I ordered the Moroccan Flatbread which had a curried chicken in it.

And we ended with the special of the night, S'more Flatbread! Deary me. Yes, you can see, the diet was shot to hell. I loved the cutting board paint pallets they used to serve the flatbreads. I would like a couple of these for the house. (Yes, I'm a cutting board hoarder. I have some of this style in every size. But, I don't have the round paint pallette ones. Wonder where I could get a couple???) lol
Thanks for the recipe! Loved the photos of the cats and didn't you know -- they know, better than anyone, how great clothes just out of the dryer smell and feel! :D :D Bella at the faucet looked like what goes on here. Teddy and Riley love to get their drink from the bathroom faucet. Rocky never did get into that habit. :( I think we should get one of those water fountains made for cats! Have fun with the new camera!
My LuLu loves to sneak a drink from one of the faucets. Love all the photos....but especially the one of you and Beth and Lottie.
Looks as if you had a really fun day and lots of good food. Thanks for the recipe.
My cat has started wanting water from other places recently-like the faucet, the shower floor or the toilet. I don't know why.
Oh, this was a great post. So glad you got your new cam, it makes some great pics! We did have a blast on saturday. Just an absolute perfect day. And the food was delish but the friendship and creativity was the best. I hope I have time to post this week. I can get my camera pics to post on my work puter,,going to try at home tonight if it doesn't storm again.
Lov Ya so mucho!!!
Girl, you sure have been busy but what fun you are having! I need to get busy with fall items. Your mom looks so beautiful and happy!
Congratulations on your camera! Sounds like a wonderful time with Beth and Lottie -- wish I could have played -- the pumpkins are great! I've got to get into a fall mode!
Love the Bella photo. Got to send you a youtube thing I just received! Gyppy loves laundry, too!
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