It seemed to take for-EVER to get here yesterday. Between the holiday traffic, Alabama football and hitting Montgomery at rush hour, it was a long time in the car. But no worries. We made it in time to crawl into bed and sleep in late this morning.

Frankie is enjoying the weather, quite nice actually, for the beginning of September in the deep south.

Very quiet on the river considering it's Labor Day weekend. Not complaining!

A day full of relaxation. The boys went out for a very late lunch. I decided to stay in. Still trying to lose the last four pounds of the ten I gained this summer! Ooooof!

An apple for me will do.

Frogs seem to follow me around like a mother hen. They are naturally drawn to me for some unknown reason. I think either I was a frog in another life or some frog spirit likes me. Today, as I was sitting on the dock drinking my coffee, I felt a little feller on my leg. We had already shoo'd his mother away earlier. As cute as they are, I still don't like them ON me. lol For whatever reason, I always have at least one surprise encounter with one of the little guys each trip. I count them each as a good omen.
Hope your weekend is full of hopping frogs!
PS As you can see, the old Cybershot is A-ok buckwheat! Wooooot!
I love frogs! They've always been one of my favorite critters....
I'm getting pumped for the pilgrimage! Especially looking at the frogs.....I recognize the first one = ) Glad to hear you've gotten your fix. I miss you. Getting the funk and ready to come see you... XXOO ~ A
Rush hour traffic. Yuck! But I am so with you on the frogs!
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