That seemed to be the theme this year from Santa. He's such a wise old man.

My ancient cell phone (which I rarely use anyway) was replaced with a new fancy schmancy one. The hub got it free ($50 then a $50 rebate) with the program we have with the company. My old one's battery was just about dead after having it for about five years! As anyone who knows me will agree, you can never get me on the cell which drives my family insane. I keep it in my car for emergencies and that's about it. With the new phone, if I don't answer (which I don't if I'm driving . . . so you do the math), it transfers to the home number where I will get the message. I'm bad, I know, but I just hate cell phones. But it is nice to have in case I really do need it one day.

My next upgrade from Santa was Photoshop CS2. I had the old Elements 4, so this will be a good upgrade! Yay!
The hub normally gets me a piece of art for Christmas. Last year, I received an oil painting from Haiti. They have the most colorful artwork there. This year, it was a little more local--two Nashville artists.

This is by Emily Miller. Hers is an acrylic. I love architecture, as you should know by now. Don't know where this is going, but you know I'll find the perfect spot!

Not only do I love this artist's name, but her work is extraordinary. Streater Spencer's -- LOVE IT! -- piece of the angel is just lovely, isn't it? I've moved it around and haven't decided where to put it yet either.

My friend Linda from Virginia knows me pretty well. She sent me a beautiful paperweight to hold all my flying papers down! Isn't it pretty?

It was a wonderfully quiet Christmas day full of food and naps, food and naps. The hub made a marvelous meal of filet mignon and lobster tails for Christmas dinner. (Was so hungry, forgot to take pics!) Then it was a yule log for desert. Yum. (NO, I didn't make that! In my dreams, perhaps!!)

Christmas Eve, I did bake some cookies. I took a batch over to Walgreens (the teenager was working, poor souls) to cheer them up. They were enjoyed, believe me! Also made a batch for us, of course.

One of the hub's brother always sends us some wonderful NY delicacy. This year it was pizza! It was soooo good! I always tease the hub when we're up there. He always turns his nose up to any pizza he has, "It's not 'NY pizza'." We have yet to find a place in NY that has "NY pizza" since we've been married. The closest is in Hoboken, (NJ) across the Hudson! This was good NY pizza though, I have to admit. The hub's off the hook for a while thanks to his brother Steve! This was our Christmas Eve dinner.

Here's a pic of mom at 5 in the morning opening presents. (The rest of us are totally unpresentable at 5 a.m.!) Here's Dave looking at the newest family member with curiosity. This was the kid's favorite present. A little mechanical bluebird. He's so easy!

Hope everyone enjoyed their day. Now, on to working in Photoshop CS2! Phew!
My fave would be the angel art, and the bluebird!(the pizza is right up there tho!!) How cute! And pray tell, what does "photoshop" do???
I have that same cute little bird, oh maybe I have the brother. Dones yours sing, too?
You really got alot of wonderful prezs. I gotta figure out the Adobe, so I e-mailed you about that one. Love the art, espiecally the Angel.
I got a new cell phone battery, mine was about dead. You really had a nice Christmas Rosie Posie!!
Glad you had a very merry Christmas. Love the artwork!!!
Thanks for the nice comments about the upcoming grandbaby. We are very excited to say the least. Thank goodness daughter has had a fairly good pregnancy so far. Can't say what the last half will be like. BTW, I'm the official back rubber during phase one of the labor (although she delivered in 45 minutes for the second baby and was born before we arrived at the hospital). Hopefully this time we will have more notice and get there in time.
Sounds like you had a wonderful couple of days! I love that your husband gives you pieces of art every year!
The angel print and frame is the most gorgeous thing!! Wow, Rosa!!!
I'm gonna have to look into this Photoshop craze eventually...lol!!
Well, it hadn't sunk in that you live in Nashville. That's where Raf and I met and married. And on May 5, our 30th anniversary, we hope to be there, as my goal after hip replacement is to walk around Radnor Lake...that's where we "courted". Love Nashville. My brother-in-law lives there now.
I got some art, too, and will hopefully post it tonight.
Your husband has just wonderful taste. I love both the paintings he picked. Sounds like your really had a nice Christmas. Your mom is a cutie.
Take care of yourself.
What a beautiful angel painting! And that food.............yum!
Have the most wonderful New Year Rosa :)
Was that pizza sent through the post?!!!!
How cool is that !
LOve the look of the yule log did you make it, it looks really stylish.
Love the art!! I too dislike cell phones and currently I don't own one. Maybe I should for emergencies. You'd be so much fun to have for a neighbor...but then Bloggerville does seem like a neighorhood of sorts!
Happy New Year, Rosie.
I'm just like you with the cell phone. Mine is rarely turned on. Only if I will be away someplace where my son might need to reach me. I do find it reassuring to have it in case of an emergency though.
It's nice to hear that you've enjoyed a happy Christmas.
If you can't find a place for the angel painting, send it to me. I have the perfect place.
Dearest Rosa...wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!! A couple of days late but I'm just now catching up with everybody! I've just read all your posts that I've missed...how I love all your Christmas decorations and your tree is just beautiful!! You also received some delightful parcels in the mail, as well as wonderful presents for Christmas...those paintings are indeed gorgeous!! I so enjoyed seeing all the pictures. Much love xoxo
WOW you made a haul!!!!!
Santa was a good boy! Love the art.
Wish I was there to eat some of your wonderful cookies!
Happy New Year to the Fam. We're heading out today for Las Vegas. Need to thaw out.
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