Yea, I wish I had already made cookies. Sometimes I get to them, sometimes I don't, mostly don't. I've learned over the years to do what I can and let the rest go. Hopefully, there is always next year. I try and remember what the season is all about. I try and make the house as festive

as I can for the family and go from there. I'm moving ahead with a gust of wind, so cookies may just be in order this year. I would really like to

make a gingerbread house (from a kit, of course!). I'll put that at the top of my list and keep you posted on the progress. These are my favorite peppermint sticks. I buy them from Cracker Barrell. They're the kind that dissolve quickly in the mouth! Yum!

The kid and I were like two elves working for Santa today. We got all the lights out on the front porches, minus the wreath--which only half the lights worked on. It was burr cold out there and so we left that job for tomorrow. (Of course, the hub is out of town--conveniently, out of town, hehe.)

I'm still working on "My little town." Here's the latest rendition. I have four tiers to work with and this is the bottom. I need to find some "earthquake putty" to put my little faery tale characters on with as they are little buggers and like to "fly" when I'm not looking. Those Three Little Pigs are the worst! I think they are trying to build something after I go to sleep. More to come on that later. The third tier is normally left for vintage items, we'll see what I do this year. The top is saved for my vintage Santas. They too need the putty as I think the Big Bad Wolf goes up and harasses them. I always find them on the floor or hiding behind one of the houses--see right pic above. Yea, Santa, like we can't see you hiding back there! (I actually didn't notice until after I took the pic, but don't tell Santa that!)
Here's a few pics of the kitchen, so far . . .

My coffee pot waiting for me on the burner! Oh yes, right next to Frosty.

(Yes, a refrigerator is supposed to go in "there." I moved it into the laundry room when we first moved here. I can't stand it sticking out the way it did! Call me crazy! But, they should have designed this kitchen a little better.)

Haven't put the lights out back yet.
You're really looking very festive around there. I like the three pigs in your little village!
Oh it's all magical Rosa. I especially love your little town. I started a little town a couple of years ago using little frosted houses too. I've only added to it a tiny bit, but you make me want to do more. Your home is lovely and so festive looking!
Thank you for your addition to the story tonight! You did a terrific job of moving it along. I can't wait to hear what happens next!
It all looks beautiful. Since my children are grown, I don't even do a tree anymore. I stick a wreath on the door, and put out a candle surrounded by some Christmas balls. I love looking at Christmas decorations but just can't get inspired to get a tree anymore.
I loved Cracker Barrell when I was over there - it was the only place when we were travelling that I could find that sold vegetables.
your decorations are looking great!
I cannot believe that I have been able to comment for this long, hee hee :)
LOL Santa looks like King Kong in that one picture, ready to pounce on the village! hehe Oh Rosa, I just love your village...the little houses are like ones my mom used to have when I was little...how I used to love looking at them and seeing the Christmas lights reflect on all the glitter! Your house is certainly starting to look very Christmassy and I can't wait to see it all finished:-) xox
Love your little village. And your kitchen looks so happy and Christmas-y. I still haven't done a thing!
Sorry about the big game. That's too bad.
So lovely, Rosa! The village is so sweet. I feel the same way about cookies. Sometimes I get to them, sometimes I don't. The biggest problem with baking cookies is that I then EAT them!!!
I am usually finished decorating by now but all I have out is my snowmen. don't have a tree up or anything. Want to come to my house and decorate????
What pretty decorations you have Dear Rosa!!
I'm more of a candy maker as opposed to cookies...hehe!!
You're house looks like a magic toy shoppe. I would love a real live tour. How fun!!
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