7 hours ago
Sunday, August 31, 2008
safe and heading home
we had a mandatory evacuation in our area so we closed riverside up, shut down electricity and headed north. Traffic has not been too bad but sad to see all the LA and MS plates on the road. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
On the Gulf with Gustav

We went today to get the old buggy, Ollie, out of storage to drive her around a bit. After connecting the battery, she cranked right up. Yay. I think I may take her into town and see what's happening there today. Now that our work is behind us, we can sit and enjoy for a day or so.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hurry Up! (and Wait)

Since then, I have been waiting on a phone call from the stationery store to let me know the card stock that I need to finish the invitations has arrived. They told me it will be there today. It has to be there today. I have to finish them up tonight so Sherrie can get them when she comes tomorrow afternoon. I have 30 pictures to print then the hole punching and attaching of the ribbons. All this waiting is making me even more anxious! And even my computer seems to sense my anxiety as it's running really S-L-O-W. Wheels on the bus go round and round. I hate that little time thingy that says it's working--and that churning. Oh my.
And speaking of which, poor Beth's computer went caput and she lost everything on it! I can't even imagine. So, go back up people! As soon as I heard that, I turned my little backup drive on and let it roll. Poor Beth. She has had the worst year ever. Big hugs being sent her way.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When mom was finished having her hair cut, we returned home and I gave her a nice long shower. We even took her bed clothes off and washed them. She seemed excited about that too. Then we were off to the city to see her doctor. She is down six pounds, down to 101 pounds. The doctor is checking her Synthroid to see if she is on the right amount. If she is hyperactive, that would explain the weight loss. She's such a little thing and doesn't need to lose any more weight. No, me on the other hand . . . . I wish I would have inherited her genes. But noooooo, I had to get my father's side of the family, short and round--little butterballs. Oh well. Other than that, the doc says she looks good. Blood pressure perfect, heart sounded good. etc. So we were quite pleased with the visit other than her weight loss.

Ok, off soapbox. Gonna run.
PS The teenager called me from college yesterday afternoon to talk. I had vowed not to call him anymore after our last conversation last Thursday where he proceeded to get me all roused up (as if he were still at home). I told him yesterday that when he wanted to talk, for him to call me. This way, I would know he was in a good mood and we could carry on a respectable conversation. I'll keep ya posted on how often that is! ha. It's all good.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday Snippets

Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Invitation

I've always enjoyed making my own invitations. I see the ones in the stores that are so expensive, and I say "I can do that!" While the paper is still a little pricey, it sure does save printing your own.
A Little Piece of Home (Heaven)

I still miss home.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

They have assured me that it is safe, as organic as you can get in these circumstances. (Scary.) They will be drilling into the foundation bricks and putting this stuff in. Ew. I don't even want to think about it.
We were fortunate they were only in one spot. Thank goodness for that. Never a dull moment around here, is there? Just never know what's next! hehe.
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yes, it's time to pull out the blankets and throws and air them. Prepare for the cooler weather to arrive. Start looking for some mums to plant, perhaps?
Autumn can't get here soon enough. Can you tell I'm ready?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cooking Classes

Of course, the red velvet cake caught my eye right away being the boys' favorite. And you know how baking challenged I am. So, that is my first class--Classic Cakes. Maybe I will even get my icing skills down to a T. Let's hope!

With the bathroom finished (bathrooms are a pain to paint!), today will be a paperwork day. Are ya jumping in your seats? I know I am. Joy. I have a stack of papers and catalogs that I keep moving around from place to place when I straighten up. If I don't get on it, Lord only knows where it will end up. And, who knows what's in that stack! Probably even a bill or two to pay. Geesh!
After that's done, I have a goody box to assemble for the teenager. He has his FIRST class today. I'm sure he's nervous, but he sounded really good last night. I am averaging about two phone calls a day to him. I keep them short and sweet so I don't interfere with his new life; but he seems to enjoy them as much as I do. Funny how the dynamics of a mother/son relationship change once they move out. I can't wait to hear about class!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
All in a Day's Work (Well, Two)

We have a high school orientation tonight which is about right now. All I want to do is take a couple of advil and crawl into bed. I used to be able to crank this stuff out but not any more. Guess old age is starting to show it's ugly head.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
How Time Flies

Of course, both of us were up half the night before nervous about each of our new adventures. His, a new life on campus, as an adult, plowing through a degree in business. Me, letting go of my first baby and hoping that he continues to make the right decisions in his life without his parents around.

The teenager is having a time of it. He holds all of his anxiety in his stomach and there's not enough pepto-bismal in the world to keep it calmed. I feel so sorry for him. The hub tells me that he was the same way and that he will learn how to cope with it. As a mother, those are hard words to swallow. Our last conversation before I went to bed last night was that he was still sick and still had not eaten a thing all day. All I could do was remind him of the BRAT diet (geesh, remember that? Bananas, Rice, Apple Sauce and Toast!) so he would at least get something in his system. This morning, I am unable to get him on the phone. Of course, he's probably out running around with all the freshman activities that have been planned for them having a grand time of it; but until I hear from him, I will have that little pain in my stomach not knowing if he is doing better. Ah, once a mother, always a mother, right?

Ok, I'm off to call the teenager again. Hopefully, he'll answer this time! Kids!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
This, That and the Other

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