Saturday, October 13, 2007

Annual Shrimp Festival--2007

This was our first time here at this festival; and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I am so happy that we went early on Friday. By the time noon rolled along, it was already getting a little too crowded for the kid's and my taste. It turned out to be the most beautiful day. The high was only in the upper 70s (ƒ) and a cool breeze came off the Gulf.

My being brought up and learning to drive in DC and having to normally hit one of the Smithsonians several times a month, I am accustomed to driving to where I want to go and looking for a parking space there. No stinkin' trolleys for me, no sirree. So, we drove as far as they would let us (a block away from the beach) and the traffic person flagged me to turn. Low and behold, there was a spot right there on the corner, I kid you not. Right where I took this picture. Excellent. Good sign.

There were lots of artsy booths but only a hand full that I was interested in. The isles were full of mostly beachy stuff. I did, however, support the local artist who did this year's poster and brought one of those back to Riverside along with a T-shirt for the hub and kid. I did like the above artist. I would have loved the dragonfly painting. It would have looked perfect at Riverside. Maybe I'll catch her down here again some time.

This was a great booth. Look at all the barnacles. Now that's amazing! I remember having to scrub those suckers (literal) off the boat when I was little. They are tough little buggers.

I took this for Bethy. Her domino art is so lovely, I thought this would give her some ideas on selling her pieces. This booth was hot. Hint hint, Beth!

I loved this artist. Absolutely gorgeous pieces. Johanna Littleton's work reminded me a lot of DeGrazia. My friend Pam (who will be here this weekend) introduced me to him. Her family was from Arizona and he is quite famous there. I would have loved to been able to purchase one of these.

There were several large stages set playing various musics. This large one, sponsored by the place where we visited this summer and saw the Coastal Living Idea House, had a very load rock band playing. In this setting, I preferred Coconut Dave and his steel drums. I could sit and listen to that forever. (After we left, we were at The Wharf and were told that Jimmy Buffet showed up and was playing! Sorry we missed that. He's from these parts so I'm sure he had a good time playing for his "hood.")

Then it was serious eating time. Look at all the choices we had (and then some). I loved all the cajun influenced items. Yum. Now, we don't get this good stuff, even as far south as Nashville! The kid and I were like kids in a candy shop. What to decide on. I decided on a fried shrimp and rice, and the kid got a popcorn shrimp basket. I wanted to get some red beans and rice but I was too full after my large helping. Darn. You'll notice my shrimp and pearl necklace that I wore all day yesterday. I have it hanging on the rear view mirror now.

Before we left, we sat and enjoyed the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. We should have thought ahead and brought some chairs so we could have enjoyed it a little more. Oh well, live and learn. I should always have beach chairs in the car from now on!

As I've sat here typing, I have had the enjoyment of being able to watch a beautiful male cardinal, a blue jay and an unknown bird peek into the window (need to find my bird book!), as close as two arms' lengths away. They have no fear of me sitting here. And now, there is an osprey cawing away. I just can't tell you how peaceful it all is here. Can't wait for the hub to arrive in the morning and be able to chill with us. Yay!!!

1 comment:

Vallen said...

Oh, at least I can enjoy your life!!! Cajun food and the white sand beach, doesn't get much better.



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