Well, I think everything is set for Christmas. I sent out all my packages, finished shopping and the house is as decorated as it's going to get. I'm done early this year! Really! I am!
Today was a cloudy day, so you can tell some of these pics are from previous days when it has been gorgeous outside. We've had unusually mild weather. No complaints.

I've been receiving some wonderful goodies in the mail. First I received my stocking swap from Sombra. Look at all the wonderful goodies stuffed in the stocking! It was a lot of fun doing this. Thanks Sombra and thanks Peggy for pulling it together!
Next came a surprise package from Merryville! What sweet treats the box contained. Mrs. Staggs sent me one of her lovely hand-made snowmen. It fits right in with my little town.

Too sweet!

Next came a surprise package from Merryville! What sweet treats the box contained. Mrs. Staggs sent me one of her lovely hand-made snowmen. It fits right in with my little town. Tucked inside the box was a special little snowflake. How precious! She also sent me this lovely little wreath which I have hung on one of my doors. I can't believe how talented that Mrs. Staggs is. (I think living in Merryville has something to do with it.) As promised, she sent a copy of The Snowman Story we all pitched in and wrote. It was wonderful seeing it in hard copy. What a wonderful idea. Thank you Lena for everything. It was such a lovely surprise.

Then, I received a very special package from far away lands (England) where little elves and faeries live. A little box full of magical trinkets were sent from my
Secret Faery Paula. Do go and visit her blog. It is so lovely. When I first opened the box, magical faery dust came out in a poof! It was so much fun, I felt like it was my birthday! (Told you I keep on celebrating!) First, I came upon a little booklet in which my faery wrote the sweetest little note and drew such a lovely sketch for me. Those faeries sure are good with pen and pencil. There was the prettiest string of peace doves attached to an old brass bell. I have hung it under the light near the

Christmas tree. I'm waiting for new angels to ring the bell. And then there were these little stars, as if just fallen from the faery sky, all hand stitched and as shiny as a silver bell and a music cd that has a beautiful compilation of new Christmas music. Thank you Faery Paula!! I feel as special as special can be.

Think I've o.d.'d on decorating. This is enough until after Christmas and the sales. I sometimes add a couple of new items before Ukie (Ukrainian) Christmas on January 7. We'll see what's in store this year. But for now, this is it! I may move some things around and stuff, but for now, this is it! I love it though. I love coming home and just relaxing (yea right) and enjoying the sights.

Even the fish are in the spirit! Tiny bubbles . . .

And the powder room has a special tree, grin.

Another manger scene. This one is from South America. I've had it since the teenager was a baby. (I have a gorgeous one that friends from Mexico gave us, but I never put it out this year. It's made of clay and is beautiful . . . but I

couldn't decide where to put it where it wouldn't get knocked over and broken.) This one is quite sturdy! And this is the entire one I

started on our honey moon and have added to over the years. The pewter one I picked up somewhere in my journeys.

Now, this is one of my favorite areas at Christmas. My front hall has all of my Krinkles going up the stairs and hiding in the garland. (Mind the dust, please!) The cats have done a number on several of pieces (the ostrich has no head to hide in the sand and so forth) and glue doesn't even do the trick any more. I guess her feathers were just too much of a lure for them. Gotta love that Patience Brewster! (Is that not the best name for an artist?) So far so good this year, unlike poor Mrs. Staggs whose Miss Luna has attacked the reindeer! Oh deer!

Animule stockings. I had already misplaced (lost) the rest of my lettering before we got Bev and Dave, so they are known to Santa as B & D, only. It gets the job done. He knows who's been naughty and nice.
I am so looking forward to getting up tomorrow with nothing to do. I have some wrapping to do, but no more shopping and no more trips to UPS!

I did my last visit today. I sent a little package off to a friend and included this! Oh
Ulla!! Ulla has finally opened her
Etsy shop and includes little kits to make some of the wonderful classes she teaches! Yahoo. I got this and another GREAT ornament kit. I did this one last night. I absolutely love it!! (Even added more embellishment, as if it needed it!) Ulla, you're the bestest! Sure wish you had a shop in Nashville!
Well, it's bedtime once more. I had to go out today and buy myself a new pillow. I've been having terrible neck pain

because my pillow has somehow gone flat on me. (Heavy head, I guess and I admit to being a pillow snob. Oh yes, a true Princess and the Pea type, indeed!) I can't wait to try the new one out tonight! Doesn't that bed look delightful? (Minus the pea, of course!) Nitey nite.