Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thank You

Thanks for your input on the kinda-new layout of my photos when I post.

Blogger has changed once again, and I'm finding it challenging to lay them out correctly. What a pain. I wanted to know what you all thought of it.

Thanks for taking the time to let me know.

**As I get ready to post this, I note BLOGGER has changed back to its original photo options. **



Jeanie said...

Loving that photo of Ms. B! She's the best!

Robin said...

sweet kitty!
I LOVE your blog layout...looks so wonderful! I usually look at blogs thru my google reader and don't see how pretty the blogs really are!
I can't for the life of me figure out how to make changes to my blog.....Typepad is not user friendly in my opinion!

Pretty Things said...

Such a sweet kitty!

Beth said...

Well of course it changed back. It will probably be even more different next week,,lol. Loving the Belle,,,Meow! See you soon?
Need a Rosie fix,,last week was a tough one.



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