Thursday, August 12, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

Freshly home from Riverside where my brother Jim and SIL Ellen came down for a few days. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to our summer.

We had a wonderful time, of course. Once I download my photos, I will share more.

School starts today for the kid. Ugh. Poor guy.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Welcome back! Lovely watermelon.



Jeanie said...

This is a TERRIFIC photo! I'm back, too. Yikes. Much to catch up on!

Beth said...

Well guess what? I am back on blogger again. They finally got my picture issue fixed. Yeah, Baby!!! So,,,Dawhlink Friend,,,stop on by the old place and see my goodies. I got the cruddy bronchitis,,feel a tad better this afternoon.
I miss my Dawhlink friend so berry much! Going to post about the rest of my Riverside fun this week-end.
Luv Ya!



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