This trip has been therapeutic in so many ways. It's always nice to have the hub fly here into Riverside after an overseas trip so he can rejuvenate himself. That he is doing (sleeping).

There have been several art shows in town, one on the Bay (above) and one right down the road at Big Daddy's. How great is that? And it gets even better. When the kid and I arrived on Thursday, we saw our neighbor, Darlene, walking her dogs. She told us about the art show at Big Daddy's but I didn't know she was an artist! Love it! She was sweet and told us to come over one night after the hub arrived for some wine and to sit and chat. So last night, when she phoned, the hub and I went up river a couple of houses to do just that. What an absolutely delightful time! Both her and her husband are like long-lost friends. We sat on the river and talked about so many things and it was as if we had known each other for years. It's so refreshing to meet people and just click with them. I have found that very hard the older I get. Guess I'm set in my ways. But, what a delight these two were. First of all, their house is full of Darlene's artwork--everything from oil paintings to papier mache to pieces made from driftwood and on and on. I felt like I was in dreamland, everything was so wonderful. We sat on their dock and drank and talked for hours. Dean even had some pork butt smoking and once finished brought it out for an impromptu dinner! I love my bbq, but I have to say this is some of the best I have ever had. I even brought two "butts" home to freeze and have later. I absolutely love these people! As we sat, several turtles popped their heads up from the river, asking for a bite or two. It was so different than our little piece of the river. Their house overlooks the island which makes it private and cozy and oh so quiet. Can you tell I had a wonderful time?

This is at the pier in town. They have a lovely rose garden and the roses were delightful this time of year. The weather has been absolutely perfect. It was so clear, you could see Mobile (bottom, right-hand corner).


Today, we went over to Big Daddy's to see more of Darlene's delightful pieces. I loved the cover of her portfolio. The sun face sits in her house and I just ooh'd and ah'd over it. Isn't it precious? She is unbelievable with paper mache.

Look at these new pieces she just started making. She's trying to come up with names on what to call this type of medium. Canvassed memories? Any ideas? Don't you love it!

She took some old dress up clothes from her daughter's growing years and put them on canvas! If you could see them up close in person, you would be amazed. How fun!

These are antique doll clothes that she used here. I loved this piece. It is covered with wax, and you know how I love wax.

Some of her fabulous paintings.

And she is brilliant with papier mache. Looks like me and the hub! She pointed out the dress shoes and black socks. Love it!!

And mermaids! She has mermaids everywhere in her house and these two were for sale! Well, you know where this is going, don't you?

Yes, I brought "Free Ride" mermaid home with me. She is absolutely perfect on the wall overlooking the river.

And a bonus. As the kid and I were leaving, Dean picked some Meyer lemons off their tree and Darlene some satsumas! Now that's being the best neighbors ever! I wish you could smell them.

Yesterday, I found these things--Bahama (star?) fruit at the local farmer's market. I had never heard of them nor seen anything like it. They are huge! Larger than cantaloupe. Yet, when you cut into them, the fruit is much smaller and quite like sweet pink grapefruit. Yum.

I will take pictures when I do cut into them.

Oh, and Darlene even gave me some of her Spanish moss to drape over our trees.

You know how I feel about that stuff too. I can't wait for it to grow so I can continue tossing it over limbs. It's like Christmastime around here!

Now it's nappy time, at least for some (Bella and the hub). Actually dinner time at this point. I could handle some more of Dean's bbq, let me tell you! Hmmmmmm.
It's starting to feel like home. Just in time to head back to Tennessee tomorrow, right?