Sunday, February 24, 2013

Christmas, Come and Gone

I'm playing catch up, as you can see. Here we are almost to March, and I'm still thinking (and putting away) Christmas! We have been all over the place, the hub and I. We've stayed pretty busy since Thanksgiving. But, as the hub is fond of saying, "It's a good busy." I think it's exactly what the doctor ordered to get me out of my Empty Nester Funk. What better way to enjoy our "golden" years together, albeit a tad early? Regardless of what we may call it, the hub and I have been traveling about. Between his work, our families and our friends, we've been hitting the road pretty regularly since Thanksgiving. I am totally enjoying it! We've worked very hard to get to this stage in our lives and it's so rewarding to be able to enjoy one another, just like we used to. We even had a wonderfully long break at Riverside which was very therapeutic. I have been taking photos of everything, as usual. Just haven't been doing the blog stuff. Solly.

I did, however, have to properly place my new Christmas piece by Natalie Sarabella in Rosa's annals. I was completely humbled by her generosity, once more. I cannot tell you how special all of her pieces are; but this one--with the names of our (the hub and my) families, starting with our parents and all the way to my great nieces and nephews listed--is absolutely heart warming. Of course, I ran out and had it framed. Thank you, my dear friend Nat.

I hated taking it down (like yesterday!) and am now awaiting for Christmas 2013 so I can put it back up!! Wait, wha??? 

I swear, 2012 came and went way too fast. It's kinda scurrrry. 

Labels: Christmas, Sarabella Creations, Friends

1 comment:

Jeanie said...

Gorgeous painting. Gorgeous. Like you, I am still taking down Christmas. The sickness wiped out most of January and February but I just have one tree and the snowfolk can stay a bit, although not too long. I'm ready to get my spring thing going.

Looking forward to retirement so I can travel about with Rick!

hugs, j



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