Nashville is famous for its Honky Tonks. And finally, the hub and I are beginning to get out more thanks to new friends.
On this particular evening, we met up with Sarah and Randy at the Palm for a quick bite and a couple of drinks. They were going to a show; and so the hub and I made our way down Broadway to listen to some live music.
We ended up hanging at
Tootsies, one of the old establishments everyone and their mother talks about when it comes to the Grand Ol' Opry.
Ya see, here I am in Tootsies, and just across the alley, the stone and brick wall, is the original Opry House. Now, they just call it the
Ryman. It has to be one of the all-time best venues in the states to see anyone. Honestly. It's an old church--wooden pews, wooden floors. It has great acoustics. These two poor guys, ya wonder how many people come back here and take their photos. I sorry. I have a story to tell, guys. Ya know I do.
And, here's the infamous alley. There's a side door here on the left that leads straight to the back of the stage. I've heard that many a star have made their way to Tootsies either before, during and/or after a performance. Ha. In fact, this is where the kid and I "met" Willie Nelson. We waited for him to come off his bus and go in the back way (momma knows these things). The kid was right by the door and Willie rubbed his head before he went inside. Awwww. Precious moment. Gonna have to find that pic. (Of course, I have one!)

The hub is always a good sport when it comes to music. You know I can just about listen to anything and do. The hub is a tad more particular. I have music playing in the house from the time I get up until late afternoon. My mom was the same. She had her country music radio station playing all day. So, I can listen to some country. Let's just say, it is not up there in the hub's choice of tunes. But always the good sport for his kooky wife. To make matters worse for the poor guy, I always have to dance. Ya know he's a Jersey boy, right? They don't dance. Seriously. But, give the hub a drink? He's dancing with me. Oh yea.
I'm going to have to check out this radio show. Looks like George Clinton to me.
Ok. First, let me tell you that this is the inside of the woman's bathroom. This is the exit door from inside--which opens right into the front of the stage. HA! "HELLOOOOOO everyone! Mwaaaaaaa! ow, where's my drink?"
Let me just say that Tootsies' drinks are probably all doubles, if not stronger. I'm tellin' ya, it doesn't take but one to get me dancing. Two? I'm giving the singer a $20 bill and a note, "Hank I or III, even II--or Lucinda Williams?" I got Lucinda. It was good.
Now, with all that being said, I had to CRACK UP when I saw this door. Wow. You have to pretty far gone to not be able to push a door open. But, I get it. After more than two of their drinks? I totally get it! Wonder if there are any local men just waiting to rescue the next drunk stuck in the woman's room? Brawhahahaha!
Alright, now back to reality. The Season is officially over. Sniffle. It was such a great one, too. But, alas, I'm starting to take everything down. Ugh. I don't much like putting things away.
Tut-tut, said Pooh.