We didn't stay too long. It was pretty sad.

On the riverfront, we are still in the clear. The local officials have been proactive since the beginning. Mobile Bay has been boomed since way back. Further in, closer to us, Weeks Bay has been boomed. Our little river? It is being monitored closely. These boats come up and down several times a day looking for any sign of oil. When I shot this photo, the boat in front was actually moving a log that had floated out into the waters. It does give one some peace of mind.

Today, Jimmy Buffett gave his free concert down at Gulf Shores (postponed from July 1 due to Hurricane Alex). I watched it on TV and it was great to see such a crowd down on the beach. This photo was sent to the hub from a friend who was there. Thanks Richard! I think I'd rather be at home though, truthfully. I had to giggle at a sign in the crowd "WWJBD?" (What would Jimmy Buffett do?) Response: "Have a party in the gulf slick!" or some such. Yes indeed.
Beth arrives tomorrow from Tennessee, and I cannot wait for her to arrive. We are going to have so much fun while she's here for the week. I PROMISE to share lots of photos. (In between, perhaps, more Europe posts. Maybe.)
So sad...
Saw that Jimmy was having a concert. He's a good soul. Don't get me started on the oil spill and BP and, and, and folks who are up in arms over the 6 month drilling moratorium ... saying the rigs will go overseas...yeah, right sure ... those other places they will go have higher safety standards than we do, they also don't support the oil men with subsidies like we do. See, I told you not to get me going!!!!!! LOL!!
It is indeed so very sad to see that oil on those beaches:-( One can't even begin to comprehend the damage that the oil spill is going to have now and years down the road. I'm glad that the river at Riverside hasn't been affected and hopefully won't be!
Funny you should mention Jimmy Buffet because when we were in Niagara Falls the other weekend, we saw a new place called Margarittaville which is inspired by the songs and travels of Jimmy Buffett. It's right in the middle of the tourist district so very expensive to eat and drink there.
Please give Beth big hugs from me when she gets there, I'll be thinking of both of you having fun without me!! hehe Love ya. xoxox
Thanks for the update, upsetting as it is. I've been wondering what was happening in your neck of the woods.
Back from vacation and checking blogs again. Much to check here. Sounds like you'll have fun with Beth! Give her my best!
Hi Ya Rosie...I was wondering how you were faring down there on the coast. Its just such a tragedy. I hope things will get better and they keep the oil from gushing.
Miss ya sista.
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