First, allow me to apologize for the span of my absence. When you're surrounded by such beauty, the last thing you want to be doing is sitting at the computer. Am I right?
We have been celebrating life and enjoying one another, friends and family alike. It has now quieted down for a bit until our next wave; so the hub and I are practicing as "empty nesters" for the first time. We're playing house once more.

The teenager was able to come down south for July 4th after his big move back to Washington, DC just after graduation. Such an exciting time for him. You remember getting out of school and looking for your "real" first job, your first apartment? I think back to that time as one of my favorite memories "growing up." Roughing it--apartment poor--for that first year or so. I wouldn't change a thing. Anyhoo, we're as proud as punch. He has a place on Capitol Hill and is actually looking into an internship up there. Well, it's up to his generation to get the ball rolling with some positive changes in this country. More power to him. I'm so proud. And then he goes and finds a job as a waiter on weekends at a restaurant around the corner from his apartment. Whaaa? The kid has never worked in a restaurant in all his short years. So proud. Did I say that already? He's hanging a lot with my brother Jim, which gives me great joy and also turns me green with ENVY! Miss my brutha. But he and Jacq are coming down soon. Yay!!! Love my Jacq--and my brother! Cannot wait.
The kid is SO enjoying being out of high school. Again, I remember that feeling SO well, as if it were yesterday. FREEDOM! He's been back and forth to Riverside, all adult like. My baby is growing up. Sniffle. Well good for him. Much like me, he doesn't open up to many people. All of a sudden, he has a great group of friends. That brings a smile to my face.
The hub is in heaven. His "office" is a great spot under the house where he conducts his business and does his studies most of the day. Can it get any better? He deserves it. He's worked hard during his career. Now, he is getting the respect he has always deserved. My hero. So proud of all my men.
Riverside is as lovely as ever. Such a happy house. It exudes happiness and love. She has given a lot wonderful memories to so many folks over the years, especially our little unit.
We have been enjoying friends visiting and spending time with our riversorry friends and neighbors who are here all year round. It doesn't take me long to get into riversorry mode, believe me.
Dean and Darlene took us for an early-morning "breakfast" cruise out to
Weeks Bay Sunday. It was absolutely breathtaking. Besides having breakfast, we were on a mission to see dolphin. And we did! There was a pod of at least four very large adults and three or more youngins. The little ones would stick their tails straight out of the water and then spiral downwards. It was precious to watch--until a group of about five or six kayaks and canoes tried to get right up on them. Poor boo's.
Ahhhhhh summertime. Hope some wonderful summer memories are being made in your neck of the woods.
Labels: Alabama, Brother Jim, Darlene, Hub, Jacq, Kid, Riverside, Weeks Bay