Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sunflower Fix

All of my sunflowers in mom's yard were killed by the washing of the house. I love sunflowers; they're one of my favorite flowers. I get them every year just from the seeds that fall from the bird feeders above. This year, I had quite a "crop" which was all killed. So sad. It was going to be gorgeous. Oh well. I saw these at the market today and just couldn't resist. I put them in the pitcher from France and have them on my kitchen table. Love them!

Tonight's dinner was kind of from last night. The hub came home early yesterday and I had finished making a pork roast but I hadn't put anything on yet for sides. He said let's just go out, and who am I to argue with that? So, I just took the pork roast from last night and cut half of it up and put it in some bbq sauce. The other half I left as a roast for those in the family that don't care for bbq (go figure).

One of my favorites growing up was Bone Sucking Sauce. I find it a little peppery for my taste now (hormones--I blame everything on hormones). I like my sauce a little sweeter these days, so I added a little honey, Worcestershire (hate spelling that word!) and Pickapepper sauce. It was gud.

Now I'm stuffed to the gills (if I had them) and just feel like putting my feet up and watching TV. All the teenagers finally went home to their own families, so I can even put my PJs on early and cruise the house if I want to! Weeee.

P.S. The teenager is actually doing his laundry. Wow.


Lena said...

This sounds oh so good! Mr. Staggs doesn't like barbecue sauce either. Woe is me as I love it and most spicy sauces. I use Worcestershire a lot!
Beautiful sunflowers, I didn't plant any this year. I guess it's the market for me too.

eyes_only4him said...

love sunflowers them..

and i came home from work hungry..(at midnight) and your food is tempting me..bad girl:)

Gretel said...

Well done on the laundry battle! :)

Isabella in the 21st Century said...

I envy the American BBQ sauces. In the UK when we say BBQ we just mean burning a sausage on a grill! Nice to see that your boy is finally washing his "stinkables"!lol!

Miss Robyn said...

I have never grown sunflowers - must try it this summer!

MissKris said...

Rosa! I am SO glad you came to comment on my blog so I could come and "discover" yours! And not just because you agreed with me, haha! ;-) I enjoyed my read here so much this early morning -- it's not even 5 am here yet -- and I will definitely be back. You must've read the same blog entry I did, by the sounds of it. Whether it was her or not, the person who made "suggestions" as to how I should write my blog also had the audacity to tell me what kind of people I should have in my links, as well as to be careful who I linked to for information or "good reads" in my blog entries, too, because I was "advertising" that I belonged to the Christian Women's Online blog ring and one link I put on was found to be very offensive by her. You may not have been by before, but you'll notice I no longer have the CWO logo up in my header. As a Christian myself, this is a horrible thing to say but I find that a lot of other "Christian" commenters have a tendency to be more judgmental and less understanding than other readers. How sad is that!!! Oh win some, you lose some. "Dr Zhivago" is one of my favorite movies, too, btw, and "Shell Seekers" one of my all-time favorite books. Two other UK writers I love are Joanna Trollope and Maeve Binchy...if you haven't read them, I highly recommend them. Have a great day...hope it's cooler where you are!!!

TJ said...

Hey Miz Rosa,
I never know if blogger is gonna let me look at your site!!!
Loved the pics of your roast...I'm making crock pot chicken and dressing grandkids are coming this afternoon!!
pinned up for 5 hours in the car...they are gonna be wild...but I luv em!!
so glad I got to visit with you today!!

Motherkitty said...

Hi, Rosa, just wanted to stop by and say "hey". Thanks for visiting my blogsite. I'm glad you liked my last post.

I loved the pictures you posted (even if the sunflowers were sideways -- which looked very interesting in the blue and white French vase). I could almost taste the zippy BBQ sauce. I agree with your statement about liking sweeter sauce as you get older. I now tend to prefer sweeter also and like to "doctor" mine up some.

Man, can I sympathize with you about the teenagers. I taught mine to do their own laundry when they were around 16 y/o when I went on strike and refused to do theirs anymore. Taught them a good lesson.

I will be back to read your other entries and I hope you visit me again. BTW, we live two hours from Nashville.

Bud said...

I would like the recipe of your Bone Sucking Sauce. Thanks

vicci said...

Rosa...Love your blog girl!!!! Send some of that barbecue pork my way would ya!!!???? That sounds good to me right now! I am so GRATEFUL I don't have any teenagers at home!!!!! They know everything there is to know!!! Did you know that!? LOL! I'll be checking in on you often...have a good weekend!

kansasrose said...

Love sunflowers too..they grow like weeds here in August (the common sunflower is our state flower)the birds ate my seeds that I planted this spring...they just mean HOME to me, Love them. I'd love the recipe for your sauce too...Kansas City has some great barbeque if you are ever there...Arthur Bryants is a legend. It's great to hang out in PJ's!

MissKris said...

Just a's taken me I dunno how many tries to even get back to your journal, let alone get to where I can leave THIS comment. I've tried several times and I get an MSN "Virtual Internal Error" message or something like that, then it freezes my entire system. In fact, the Error Report is flashing at me now. Do you have an email?? I'm thinking I can get here, but I'm really worried about commenting 'coz it freezes me out. I know you just met me but if you feel comfortable letting me have your email addy, my email is on either one of my blogs. That way, if you didn't mind, I can read your blog when it'll let me get THIS far...then maybe I can comment on a quick email?? Just a thought...whatever you're comfortable with.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Most of my sunflowers also come from cast-off seeds! Someone once told me they always face the rising sun...don't know if that is true, but mine always face the east.

Susie said...

Thanks for your sweet comments on my meme about blogging! I notice that you also try to keep an upbeat feel to your blog.
Do the birds enjoy your sunflowers?
I always enjoy your menu and food ideas! Your kitty photos are always adorable too!

lettuce said...

hi - thanks for visiting my blog. I've enjoyed exploring yours a bit.

Lovely sunflowers. I didn't get around to planting any this year, but I think there are some coming up by themselves amongst the beans... prob. a bit late for this year now!



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