Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Back on U.S. Soil

Finally, the hub is back in the states! He just landed in LA and will be home this evening. Yesterday, I finished up cleaning my side of the bedroom. (His has so many scraps of paper, receipts and work stuff, that I won't even touch it!) Last night, I changed the sheets and bedcovers; and now it's all ready for him to get a good-night's sleep in his own bed. As for me, I'll probably toss and turn all night having to stay on "my" side again. I wish I had a picture of last night's dream bed. All three cats were bundled up with me in various parts of "his" side. We'll see if they show up tonight. I doubt very seriously if they do. The bed parties are officially over.

I took this picture because I hope our bedroom is in a transitional stage. I'm going to try and paint the room this weekend. After that, the next step is having hard-wood floors added. We'll see how far I get with that project.

The quilt above our bed was made by my Grandma Rosie. My Aunt Ollie used to send her old fabrics and Grandma would make quilts out of it. I remember one polka dot dress she used to wear that is used in this quilt too. I need to take it down and get it cleaned. I'm sure my allergies are running amuck from the dust it captures! I did take down my lace curtains from the doors and windows in the room and they are now soaking in my tub. You should have seen the dirt! My oh my. I admit, they have been hanging for about two years with no cleaning. I would like to change the window treatments; but these were wedding gifts and I love the idea of that, so they'll more than likely stay.

I have been so busy in Photoshop that I haven't been doing my usual visiting around blogland. I hope to catch up tomorrow, perhaps. I miss seeing what everyone is up to!!

I feel so much better today. The kid told me last night that Tuesdays are just the worst--everything bad can be blamed on it being Tuesday. He said, "Tomorrow will be a much better day mom, because it's Hump Day." I'll have to agree with him. Today was much better. Thank goodness. You know, there's no other reason to yesterday's feeling of hopelessness other than rampant hormies (or lack thereof). I just have to remind myself of this. All is gud.

PS No spell check tonight -- so it's a free-for-all!


Peggy said...

love the room! I wanna come stay at your house!

Motherkitty said...

What a lovely bedroom. I absolutely love the little baby dresses hanging up next to the mirrow, and what a great quilt. My mother used to machine sew quilts when she was alive. My daughter has one she did with scraps from all the clothes she made my daughter as she was growing up. It's really an heirloom although daughter used it on her bed while she was living at home.

Hope you and hubby get a good night's sleep tonight.

Susie said...

I'm sure you are anxious to have your husband safe at home again. Your quilts are so special. My grandma was a quilter and I have several she did.

Shelley said...

I know your anxious for him to be home! The room is lovely. Oh do tell what you've been learning in Photoshop!

hibonvki <---some sort of exotic drink..i think.

TJ said...

so glad to hear your Hubby made it back safe and sound!!

Lena said...

I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better and that the Hub is safely back.
I love your bedroom! Looks like my favorite kind of room, with one of my favorite things in the world. Handcrafted quilts. I have one hanging in my bedroom too!
I have a very special quilt made by a great-aunt, my grandmother and my step-mother. I treasure that one especially.

Gretel said...

What beautiful quilts - and what a simply lovely room. Anyone would get a good night's sleep in it! :)

Carole Burant said...

Oh how I love your bed, the quilts, the colour, the little baby dresses...oh everything!!! Hope you don't make too many changes to it cuz it looks beautiful now:-) Glad to hear your hubby is home...I'm sure he's glad to be home too:-) xoxo

Tea said...

Oh my gosh! Your room is beautiful Rosa!
So enviting! And what a special treasure you have above your bed.Keep those house pictures coming........I like to drool.

Linda said...

Isn't it great when husbands come home? and isn't it hard to sleep well when they do? I love my husband to pieces but he can be so difficult to sleep with-not ready for twin beds yet but some nights it sounds like a good idea.



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