Thursday, August 10, 2006

Oh, Woe is Me

Can you hear the violins playing? (hehe) The hub is leaving tomorrow for China for a week. He always heads off into the sunset after the security level has been raised. Joy. I'm glad he's going to Asia rather than Europe. I've been asking for a lot of thoughts and prayers lately, but there's one more for ya! Please?


Lena said...

I'm wishing upon a million stars tonight my friend. I'll be more than happy to add one more.

Shelley said...

You can have all the prayers you want! I've heard there is no limit, you don't have to take a number and they are guaranteed or double your money back.


PamKittyMorning said...

consider it done!

Miss Robyn said...

of course a prayer for him & you as well - many good thoughts, spells and even a naked rain dance if you so desire (hee, hee, sure hope not ) - xox
gee, he has the life, doesn't he? maybe next time he comes down here - you can sneak in his bag?

Tea said...

A prayer from me too!


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

In thoughts with you...


Janet said...

I'm sending positive energy and thoughts out into the universe for your hub.

TJ said...

Rosa (((hugs))) I said a prayer for your hub!!
I have started a prayer list just today because so many ask for it and I don't want to forget!!

Dale said...

I'll help. :)

(I got here from Shelley's Scrapbook.)

Susie said...

I understand your worry and of course am praying for your husband and all the air travelers at this time....



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