Monday, August 21, 2006


Today was a day for letter writing and mailing. I got a few notes off to friends and finally put the very late birthday present to my niece in the mail. I was even able to get my matchbox creation out to my swap partner. I was very excited to finally finish that. (It's supposed to arrive on Monday, so I'll post some pics after then.)

It's been threatening to rain all day. Gave us a little teaser this morning and now it is pitch dark outside preparing to dump. I wish it would, already. I so wanted a rainy day but didn't get one. Maybe it will be a rainy evening instead. As the kid says, we live in a hole. This side of the valley seems to get left behind when the showers come. And, of course, I love a good rain. There's something about smelling the wet earth, hearing the drops hit the roof and just watching the peacefulness of it all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

I put together another cigar box for a friend. I hope to get that into the mail tomorrow. I've been working on my Photoshop skills, or lack thereof. Some things are starting to make some sense and some are totally above me. I am disliking the wording of commands; they just don't make sense to me; like inverting, transforming, deselection, defringing, bridging, etc. I could go on and on about what I don't understand. What I do understand and have become quite the rodeo star at is the magnetic lasso. Oh, and that's pronounced "ro-day-o," of course. Miso-good. It's the only thing I am good at so far! Baby steps, I keep reminding myself.

I think I hear a couple of drops hitting the roof, so I'm off to sit on the porch and take it in. I better enjoy it while it lasts. It may just be a fleeting glimpse of that wet stuff.


Susie said...

No rain here, just lovely sunny weather with some nice breezes.
Glad you had a relaxing day...

Finding My Way said...

Rained a little and then got humid. I gave in and turned the air back on. I enjoy your blog and will pop back. Do you mind if I add you to my blog? Have a good day.

Lena said...

I am so hoping for some rain soon! My garden needs it badly.
I love rainy days. When I was in the 5th grade my teacher had our class write a paper on which days we liked best, rainy or sunny. She told me I was only one of two students in all her years of teaching who chose a rainy day. The other was a boy whose dad owned a plant nursery. Rainy days were the only time he was given a break from watering.
'Course after our almost record breaking winter full of rain I have to say that I looked forward to more sunshine this summer, but now we've gone to the other extreme with lots of that and no rain for a long time. It would sure be nice if Mother Nature would balance her moods a little more!
Sounds like you are making progress with learning Photoshop. I don't know what all those words mean either. I've just learned by experimenting. There is still alot more that I wish I knew how to do too.
Glad to hear you've been getting some crafting done. I'm looking forward to seeing the little house!

Janet said...

Oh, I wish we would have some rain. I love the smell of it and the way everything seems so fresh and clean afterwards. I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to Photoshop only I have Paint Shop. I get so confused and frustrated. I even have the "Dummies" book and still have trouble understanding some of it!!

Linda said...

Rain is one of my favorite things. I even like thunderstorms with the lightening and thunder. And it's great to have a day when no watering is required in my yard. I also love fog, probably because I grew up in the Southwest and seldom saw it.

Carole Burant said...

Isn't it always a great feeling when you can mail out stuff you've been meaning to get at...I have 12 penpals and I haven't written a single letter since May! Yikes! I have 8 letters here to answer...I wonder if they think I've gone AWOL? lol Just been so busy lately but hopefully soon I'll have more time for writing letters and blogging:-) Take care...hugs xoxo

Beth said...

We didn't get enough of that rain here,, had to go out and water some plants that were looking very dry. At least its not quite as humid tonight.

kansasrose said...

A rainy day is good to sit down at the desk and put a pen to paper! Isn't it great to recieve REAL letters in the snail mail? There is something to be said for keeping the ink and paper flowing in the tech age. How can we tie emails with a blue ribbon and store them in a beautiful letter box for our ancestors the cherish and read? I am addicted to stationary...have you checked Papyrus for stationary? I go nuts in that store!



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