Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Friends

I have finally added my new friends to my Daily Read list. It's taken me weeks to honker down to do this. I finally got so fed up last night having to search them down, that I just did it. Went right into my template and added them--in no particular order, mind you. And, I know I have left some of my favs off. Forgive me if you're one of them! I'll get it together one day, I hope!!! xoxo

If you haven't already, go take a look at how wonderful all these fine folks are. All distinctly different yet we all fit together somehow. Isn't that what makes the world go round?


Anonymous said...

What a coincidence I just added all my daily reads!Just a few more than you though LOL!!You are there of course :)

Janet said...

Thank you so much for adding me to your list! I feel as though I'm in very good company with all those others. I enjoy your blog (love your changing backgrounds) and it is always one I read daily.

Carole Burant said...

You're lucky my name is on there or I'd have come to haunt you!!! hehe Yes, it is indeed wonderful the friendships that have been formed through the wonderful world of blogging:-)I'm glad I found you:-) xoxo

Miss Robyn said...

oh gawd, I didn't even put a list on this new blog of mine - it caused ructions before and a headache - so no favourites list. I am a bad gal xo



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