Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday Night Fun

We had the best time tonight. First, the hub called and asked me to meet him at our favorite little restaurant for happy hour. Who am I to turn down cheap drinks? I first ordered their cosmo, which was delish. They were serving tapas (not the true meaning of tapas, mind you--more like, uh, "appetizer"). Anyhoo, the hub decided on the lobster thingy, which turned out to be oh-so-good. I think anything tastes good after a drink, don't you? hehe.

I then switched to their orange martini--same ingredients, just OJ instead of cranberry. Hey, I got my vitamin C in for the day! No complaining here (except for a headache now forming). It was a tad strong, but of course, I finished it. grin.

After relaxing and listening to the pianist play some wonderful jazz, we left to pick up the kid. We had to wake him up as he was totally exhausted from the second week of school. After about an hour, we were off to have dinner down the street.

I ordered their Greek salad and the kid, of course, got the shrimp alfredo. The hub ordered his usual steak. All was good.

We made a quick phone call to the teenager to see what was happening at the first football game of the season. We were losing at halftime. We didn't care. Off we ran to catch the last half of the game. We arrived to see a touch down and a field goal--boom, done. Wooohooo. Then the opponent did the same. Boo-hiss. Then we returned the favor, then them. Before we knew it, the score was 29-29 and we were into overtime. Unfortunately, the other team won by ONE point--GRRRRR. Final score 36-35. Bummer. But, hey, this is the only team that beat us last year (and that was only because there were several bad calls by refs--really, ask anyone from our side--ha). All in all, it was still a blast to hoot it up. I hate football, but there is just something about rooting for your team. Woooo woooo!


Lena said...

So nice you all enjoyed a happy time together!
I've always enjoyed watching most sports which living with my two guys, it's a good thing! The one thing I have a hard time getting into though is car racing. Around and around they go!
Hope you have a nice day!
Oh my goodness! Mr. Staggs just walked into the room and handed me a box...addressed from you! How wonderful is that? I'll talk to you later!!!

Gretel said...

Ah, I was a bit confused until I remembered you have football and so do we, but your's is more like our rugby and you call our football soccer...I am far more interested in the yummy food though :)

Lena said...

Oh Rosa! It is one of the most truly magical gifts I've ever been given! Beautiful! You made me all teary and everything. Thank you so much, I treasure it. I have to be away today, but will post tomorrow. xoxo

Ellen said...

You know Rosa Nashville was at the bottom of the list for drinking towns ranked by forbes magazine

...i wonder if they even made the list before you moved here :D lol

Without Friday nights at the high school football game, we would all be hanging under the DQ umbrellas.:O
Our island boys lost too.
Is your team colors red and white?

Shelley said...

Friday night football is BIG BIG BIG in Texas. Ours starts next week.

Linda said...

I can't tell you how much I miss a good cosmo and college football.

Isabella in the 21st Century said...

This sounds like a really great evening!

Carole Burant said...

Good drinks...good food...good company...not too good of a football game...hey, not too bad of a night at all!! hehe Sounds like you had a wonderful time...don't you wish we could have more nights like that???? xoxo

Miss Robyn said...

ooh the drinks sound good. I wouldn't be standing after those!

Dianne said...

Nashville was ranked low for drinking towns? Obviously, they didn't visit Tootsie's Orchid Lounge! Oh Ro, you're making me so homesick! Did you have drinks at our old stomping ground? Trying to figure out where you had dinner. You are my only connection to our old town and neighborhood and I love reading your blog. Wish I was there to walk across the street and visit. Hey, I might even watch you do your beautiful crafts and learn something!



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