Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Special Valentine Gift for You

Ok, I've never done this before, but it sounds like so much fun that I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and do a valentine giveaway!

The hub brought wonderful boxes of chocolates fresh from Galler's in Brussels. I'm going to give a box away.

If you leave your name/comment on this post, I will put everyone's name in a box and pick one on Friday, February 9th, (tomorrow) at 12 noon. That person will be sent a beautiful box of Galler's chocolates tomorrow afternoon.

All I can say is YUM!


Anonymous said...

Pick ME, Pick ME!!!

I would love to be included in the drawing. You are so sweet.


Anonymous said...

Add me! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I just found your blog linked from Tammys, This is so much fun I would love to be added and picked for the yummy chocolate! Pick me Yum!!! sherry

Janet said...

Yes, add my name, too. I'll think of something to do with that chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as how I'm a lurking reader rather than a fellow blogger I don't know if I qualify for your drawing, but my, those chocolates do look lovely! (Does being Mrs. Staggs' SIL help my chances any?)

Carrie said...

What a way to bring the lurkers (Me) out! I'd do just about anything for chocolates!

Lena said...

Hi Rosa,
Thank you for the invitation to drop by for chocolates!
This is such a lovely give away. Thank you!


How unbelievable generous of you to part with such a delictible treat.

Carole Burant said...

Did I ever tell you, you are the most caring, nicest, beautiful, warm, loving, etc, blogger I know???? Hmmmm that won't help my chances of winning eh? LOL Oh dear Rosa, what fun to hold a draw for us...glad you're showing the box closed, though...remember yesterday you had me ready to lick my monitor showing us those other chocolates! lol Hugs xoxo

Pam Aries said...

Chocolate is my middle name! hee hee! Belgian is the best! When my friend goes to Paris, she always brings back a box for me....This giveaway has been such a tremendous connection!

TJ said...

Count me in!!!!
*crossing fingers~toes and legs!!*

Pear tree cottage! said...

O! Rosa...........:o) would they be happy to travel even further to down under??? yummie! sounds wonderful please add my name. I would even send the empty chocolate box back full of thank you's if you would like. :o)

I have loved watching you eat that delishious chocolate too by the way.


ikkinlala said...

If your draw is open to Canadians, I'd love to add my name to it, please. Who can resist chocolate?

Anonymous said...

did someone say the word chocolate????? LOL

zuzu said...

oh oh! =^..^=

Belgium Chocolate?

I am SO begging for you to place my name in the drawing for this treasure! I think I need this delightful prize!

I might just hide it ::oink::oink:: if I won and not tell the bears where it is! ::giggle::

Thanks for stopping by at my little corner of cyberspace and clueing me in on your heART treat offering! I'm sharing the link too! EVERYONE needs to find your blog ... It's beautiful Rosa!

Great to meet you.
=^..^= love, zU

Geek+Nerd said...

how sweet of you, har har har! put my name in the hat!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Rosa
I'm another lurker that the chocolate has drawn out.I've enjoyed your blog for about a month now. Keep up the wonderful work! Roxanne

Susie said...

Hi Rosa,
Thanks for the invitation to participate in this fun and yummy drawing!!
Chocolate is one of my weaknesses!

turquoise cro said...

mmmmMMMMMMMM! Here I am!!! LOL

Tea said...

Oh Yum! Add me too :)
Wow! So glad you found the source of that smoke. Scary!!! Someone above was watching over you.


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

That looks like a great box of chocolates! I have never tasted such Belgian treats...

Count me in, please ;-P!!!

Granny said...

What a great way to get people to delurk.

Thanks for your comment today and have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

A Carly Simon song is playing in my head:

Anticipation, An-ti-ci-pay-ay-ay-ay-ay-i-tion...



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