Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Hub is Home and Brought Du Rhone

Valentine's has arrived early at Rosa's! The hub is freshly back from Switzerland and Belgium with chocoloate galore in tow. I couldn't resist, I've already had two pieces of the Du Rhone from Geneva. This is my favorite Swiss chocolatier. Yummy. I always hate opening the packages because they are so pretty. But, I do. That doesn't stop me for very long. hehe.

Excuse the paint under my nails. I had to paint the shoe molding yesterday for the bedroom. Think it's time to have some professional work done on them. My cuticles are horrid.

Tonight, I will sleep. The hub says he can visibly see me decompress when he gets home. I can definately feel it. Sigh.


Raggedy said...

I am here via a link from Kentucky Gal.
All I can manage to say while I


I wish I had a favorite Swiss chocolatier!

Carole Burant said...

Ok you almost had me licking my monitor! hehe Oh mannnnn those chocolates look soooo good! Glad to hear your hubby is home safe:-) Hugs xox

Lena said...

Glad to hear that the Hub made it safely home and I'm glad to hear that the fire mystery was solved. I was worried. I like to KNOW things like that for sure!

Anonymous said...

Oh that is looking yummy. Wouldn't last very long in my house.

Hide one piece for the honey.

Take care,

TJ said...

Iffn' I win...I want whole pieces of sampling allowed!!!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

How delectable and delicious they look - that hub of yours knows just what to get. G doesn't go out of town much but when he has I always feel there is part of the puzzle missing. I can understand your decompressing when the hub returns.



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