With a heavy heart, I have to tell you that our little baby girl, Miss Bev, has left us. I took her to the vets on Thursday to have her biopsy done to find out what was going on. The vets drew blood to see what her count was since it was so low before because of her anemia. Two weeks ago, it was 12--very low--at which time they suggested a blood transfusion. I declined. On Thursday it had come down to 6. They couldn't even imagine her living with that low a number; yet she was eating as well as she ever has. With a low count, they were unable to do any operations. Again, they wanted to do a blood transfusion.
I can't, in my heart, subject an un-understanding animal to such extremes. It's one thing when you can explain to a human what pain will be involved, what to expect, in other words. But to an animal, I can't imagine what they go through. The vet couldn't even tell me that if they did the blood transfusion, they would then be able to figure out what was wrong with her. At what point do you stop the suffering? She had begun to show signs that she may not be with us much longer. Her eyes had become old-like, kind of hazy looking; and it was then that I made the decision to let her go. I simply cannot stand to see an animal suffer.
She is now free from itching and is prancing around with so many of my other kitties that left before her. I'm sure Ozzy and Bud met her with a lick to the face, a sniff to the butt and probably a smack (she would have smacked them first after the sniff) as she arrived in a much better place.
Thank you all for all the comments to the chocolate giveaway. It truly took my mind off missing my baby girl.
Aw, I'm so sorry about Miss Bev. Just this very morning, I took our Boomer in to the animal hospital, because he is very sick with an infection (from which we hope he'll recover). I know the worry we have for them, and I also feel so bad that they don't understand what we are doing or why. It's never an easy decision..... (((((hugs to you)))))
I'm sorry about Miss Bev, Rosa. It's so hard to lose a loved animal!
I'm so sorry. I've been there too. Hugs!
Giving you a big hug xoxo Losing a beloved pet is never easy but having to watch them suffer is worse. I think you made the right decision. xoxo
Sorry about miss bev. Its always sad to say goodbye to our animal family. Hugs my friend
(((hugs))) to my dear, brave friend!!
I'm very sad and sorry to hear that Miss Bev has left...
I have never gone through such a moment, but I'm sure that I'd be very unhappy and pain stricken.
At least, now she's in kitty heaven...
Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know how much you miss her. It's as if the whole energy around us shifts when we lose loved ones, human or animal.
My love and thoughts are with you.
It's so sad but sometimes it's the kindest thing for our beloved pets.
We talk about kitty heaven too. Maybe she'll meet up with some of my kitties.
My dad used to say (living on the farm with outdoor pets) "they went to doggie heaven...or kittie"....there were so many I cannot count them.....but dad was sensitive.
I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Bev. I understand about not wanting to see her suffer. I had to chuckle just a little when you described her meeting with Ozzy and Bud in kitty heaven.
Big hugs for you at this time. Pets are such a part of our families and it hurts to lose them.
Dear Rosemary,
I am so very sorry for your loss of Miss Bev. It is so heartbreaking to lose one of our babies but I would have made the very same decision. For me loving my animals so much also includes me knowing when to let go.
I am sure she is prancing in a field of catnip and remembering what a good life she had with you.
Sending you big hugs,
So, so sorry, Rosa. I dread the day we will have to make some of those very difficult decisions about our own dear pets. You made the right choice, hard as it was.
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a terrible decision to have to make, but it sounds like releasing Miss Bev from her pain was really the best decision you could have made.
Ha..Rosy..I'm so sorry for your loss. And you made a wise decision of love to spare her the pain. You're a good "mama" to her. May your heart be healed and Miss Bev be in health and peace in her new home beyond Rainbow Bridge.
In my DH's recent near death experience, he saw people from beyond the veil and he told me one of those "people" was his beloved "Nana" who had to be put down 2 years ago due to liver failure. It was so comforting for him to tell me that. Our dear pets go on to another plain too.
I'm so sorry about your precious Miss Bev. You made a loving, caring choice to spare her more pain. I know she's happy and pain free once more...
just sending hugs to you my sweet friend xoxoo
I am so sorry to read about your loss! When my son was 3 he made the decision that when our beloved kitties leave us they are called to go be with the faerie's. He has elaborated on his theory since then and now he draws pictures of our beloved felines complete with faerie wings. His theory has given me more comfort when a beloved feline leaves this world than any other.
Thank you for visiting my blog recently, I'm sorry to read such sad news on my first visit to you. It's so hard to lose an animal friend but I'm sure you made the right decision and now you can think of her happy and playing with Ozzy and Bud.
I'm so sorry to hear that! :-(((( So sorry for you!
I know it's hard.
Condolences on the loss of Miss Bev. It must have been the hardest thing to do but the animal's quality of life (and dignity) must come first. You did the right thing. Have a hug from me and a purr from Cleo.
MarkMcL (aka Mr English)
I'm so sorry to read about dear Miss Bev, it's always hard to let our 4-legged family members go. It is better that she not suffer though,you made a loving and unselfish decision. Sending you many hugs and love!
I'm so sorry to hear about Miss Bev. hugs to you.
I'm so, so sorry that this happened!! I understand how you felt and thought of this situation and I'm sure your kitty felt you made the right decision. (sending you a virtual hug.)
Ro, I'm so sorry. I just loved Bev and she's the first cat that Diz liked. We had a blood transfusion on a dog at one time and it only helped temporarily so I think you made the right decision.
You are in my thoughts...
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