Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ho Ho Hum

The after-the-Holidays doldrums are setting in as I begin to put all the fun stuff away. The kid wanted to keep it up a bit longer, but I was afraid after not watering the tree since before we left for Canada, it would be a danger pit in there. Of course, once the tree is gone, you may as well put everything else away too, right?

When I began taking all the ornaments off, along with the lights and garland, it was still just as fresh as a daisy. Now that's something! I think paying a little bit extra for a fresh tree being delivered to your door is worth it. It was such a pretty tree too. I hated seeing it this morning sitting on the side of the curb. Perhaps I'll see it again in the spring if I go and pick up some mulch from the county.

The whole place is a disaster. Boxes here and boxes there. The cats are having a blast. But, I'm tired of the whole mess. I just don't have the strength like I used to being able to lug them all downstairs myself. There was a day . . . Oh well. So, there they will sit, until the teenager gets time to move them. Since he prides himself on his weight-lifting ability, I've been letting him do it for the past several years. Yes, I have to listen to the complaining, but I am just unable to move them (filled) myself. After last year's little stacking (throwing) incidents and losing almost every one of my vintage ornaments, I think I'll wait downstairs for them and stack them myself. This seems the only way to get it done correctly. Like my dad used to always say "If you want a job done well, you have to do it yourself." (Followed with "It's a damn shame. hehe) You know, you put faith in kids and they just don't get it. I guess at 16 or 17, you couldn't care less if everything breaks. I don't know. I suppose the opposite sex has something to do with it also. Guys just don't seem to care. My guys don't, anyway.

The hub is sick with some more muk. His throat is killing him. Poor guy. He had to be in New Orleans earlier in the week, sick as a dog. He came home and went to the walk-in clinic around the corner to see if he had strep. Nope. Just a bad sore throat. Needless to say, this time, I moved to the guest room. I don't want it. No siree. He's had more than his share of sickness this year. He hardly ever gets sick. It's

normally me! I swear. He can have everyone in the office sick, not catch a thing but carry the germs home to me and get me infected. Go figure. This year, I rack my wellness to taking my vitamins (extra C), echinacea, golden seal and airborne every time I travel or I come in contact with someone who is sick. Knock wood, so far-so good. With mom in the house, I just can't afford to get sick. So, I pray, I stay well. Of course, I hope everyone else does too. The poor hub. I've been avoiding him like the plague. A good nurse, I am not. I wish I were more like this dear woman taking care of her poor patient.

I've had some special deliveries which have kept my spirits high. Look at what a little faery dropped off on Monday. I barely caught a glimpse of the sparkle of light and faery dust before I could open the door. Faery Paula from way over there (pointing East) sent the sweetest little package of goodies. Everything so smelly good. A raspberry scented pencil, yes, a pencil. I can't wait to sharpen it and take a big ol' whiff. It smells so good in it's little container. She also put some local chocolate in, which I always appreciate, of course. The sweetest little postcards showing her area of the world was such a joy to receive. I found it to be one of my favorite places in England. Look at the little sheep in the road! And the Cotswold faces! She is so lucky to be there. What a magical place the Cotswolds are. No wonder she's a special little faery, how could she not? Thank you Faery Paula! I squint and send you faery wishes!

And then there is Queen Vallen. Oh my. Queen V. must have seen a black cow flying my way. There, waiting for me upon my return from vacation was a lovely little package, all wrapped in rosy red roses. When I opened, it, there were such lovelies, I swear I squealed. Look at the beautiful rose pin! I have the perfect sweater to wear it on. She even managed to find a card that was meant for me. Wonderful Dresden cutouts waiting to motivate me and stickers and precious dried rose buds. Thank you my friend.

I have been busy, busy, busy and just downright tired. Tiz the season, ya know. The aftermath, more like it. I have been visiting some blogs and hope to get out there more to see what everyone is up to. Gotta keep up with the comings and goings of the peeps. What a wonderful group of people I have come to know over the past year. I feel very fortunate. My little "journal" for the boys has been more than that for me. I so enjoy reading all about you all and look forward to the year ahead.


Susie said...

Putting away all the decor is my least favorite thing. Thank goodness it's done for another year. There is so much of the "bugs" going around this time of year. Glad you've stayed well, hope your dh heals soon.

Miss Robyn said...

Rosa - one of my New Years resolutions is to try to visit you without being kicked off - shh, it's working today! I just want to say - thankyou for your supporting friendship during 2006 & I hope we continue through 2007 xoxo
ahh 17 year olds - wanna swap? a boy for a girl hee hee - lord they drive me insane..yes, that is my excuse!

Janet said...

I'm so glad I didn't do a lot of decorating this year. It's the taking down that always seems such a big chore.
You got lots of goodies in the mail and that might take your mind off the decorations and the mess. Who could resist chocolates and a raspberry-scented pencil!!
I have enjoyed getting to know you this past year and I'm looking forward to more of the same this year.

Vallen said...

Roses become you - what else could I do?

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

The "taking down" after the holidays is always a bit bittersweet as well as being a huge chore to repack it all. You are wise to get the teen to carry them downstairs and then stack them yourself. You received such lovely treasures - so well deserved. you always convey such joy.
I've enjoyed getting to know you since I started blogging...I am so looking forward to a better year. I still owe you an altered tin (you will get it but it may not be Christmas themed if that's ok)in the near future.
Big love,

TJ said...

Awww Rosa!! I've missed you so much!! What with you being gone then my computer problems!!
I'm glad you are back!!!

Lori said...

I have all of my Christmas decorations put away now. The month of December went so fast it was almost like we never had Christmas.

I am sorry to hear your husband is sick.



savvycityfarmer said...

I dove right in the day after Christmas....organized, labeled boxes I am so glad...makes next year a breeze.

Linda said...

That's why I'm glad I don't do much decorating for Christmas. Cleaning it all up again is such a bummer.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about taking Christmas decorations down...such a downer. Mine are still up but I think I am going to have to tackle them this weekend.


Carole Burant said...

I think we all get into a bit of a "slump" after the holidays...I know I feel it when all my decorations are put away. I look around and what?! lol Hope your hubby feels better soon, that flu is really going on around here too at the moment and hopefully I can stay away from it!! What lovely packages you recieved in the mail...the warmth and generosity I've found here in blogging is just amazing:-) Hugs xoxo

Farmgirl Cyn said...

I'm STILL in the process of cleaning up after the holidays! The snowmen and itty-bitty Santas are going to the "abyss", aka, the basement, today!
Hope you continue to stay healthy!

Beth said...

UGh,,don't you just hate putting all that away? Sometimes I wonder why I even put it up when its just Daniel and I. But then it just wouldn't be Christmas without it.
Lucky you with all those packages! See how much your loved Ms. Rosie Posie!!!

Peggy said...

When the teen carries yours down to the basement can I borrow him to take mine out to the storage building? I have everything down and in their containers but those are stacked in the corner of the livingroom. Stay well and hope hubby is soon on the mend.



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