Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Beans & Franks

I have been a horrible haus frau this year. Cooking dinner is about the last thing on my mind, it seems. Tonight, I took the easy way out and made the all-American meal of beans and franks. To this day, it reminds me of my childhood. I used to love to smell mom cooking hotdogs. Sometimes she would just slice them regularly and other times, she would cut the dogs at a diagonal. I always loved the diagonal ones most, for some reason. When mom cooked hotdogs whole, she would make a spiral cut down the length of the hot dog and they would open so pretty. It's the little things that make dinner special, no matter what you're eating.

Mary Jane called me this afternoon to tell me the results of Trisha's tests. All of the results came back normal! Yahoo!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. All of us thank you, I know it made a difference.

Bev is doing a little better today. She actually came out from her hovel and asked to be fed. I have her back on the duck and green pea diet. The kid snapped this tonight. As you can see, her tongue is pink again. Her nose, gums and tongue had almost no pigment in them last week. I'm hoping this is her turn around. Poor little thing. All her sores are just horrible. She has begun scratching again, I guess that's a good sign as she has the strength to do so. The vet seems to think her anemia and skin condition are two different ailments. Lawd. The teenagers calls her "crack addict" as she looks so horrific. I found a picture of her in one of last January's posts (while eating our soup!) and what a difference. I hadn't realized how poor she looks.

Thank you also for your warm thoughts for Miss Bev. That goes without saying.

Comcast was out most of today again. I phoned them, and they will be here, again, between 12 and 4 tomorrow afternoon. A lovely day spent at home waiting on the cable man. hmmmm. I insisted they give us a credit for January since it's been mostly down the entire month. I tell you, I have had to read the riot act to more people over the phone this week than I care to admit. The teenager's car has been sitting in the shop for almost two weeks now with nothing done because the other insurance company did their entire estimate based on all USED parts. Go figure. I swear, what a racket. Had I not called the repair man, I wouldn't have known. I was ready to go pick the thing up, all nice and new. No one called us to tell us the car was just sitting there in limbo. Now our agent is on the trail trying to hunt down the adjuster who has yet to return any one's phone calls. Hmmm, I wonder why. I don't know how some people sleep at night when they clearly try and take advantage of situations. It gets me so aggravated, I just want to scream! Ommmmmmmmmmmm.


SnowWhite said...

hi girl, not been online for a while but good to catch up again, I love popping in to see where you've been recently. Love the pic below of the birds of paradise nice flowers arn't they

Janet said...

I'm happy to hear the results of Trisha's test were normal! Yay!! And also that the kitty is improving.

I understand your urge to scream but good for you for standing up for what's right. Why on earth would anyone put used parts into a car after an accident?! That doesn't sound ethical.



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