Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tis' the Season

Well folks, we're in the thick of it. Oh yes, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season. Isn't it glorious? As much as I pride myself in taking things in stride, I have to admit that I am enjoying the busyness of it all.
I've finally finished my ATCs and Christmas tags for the Season, I think. I was having major withdrawals, not having done anything since Jane was here from our ATC group. All Friday night and all day Saturday my kitchen, once more, looked like Santa's workshop. What fun! In between work, my friend brought over her camcorder and we made our first official DVD on my new computer. (Yes, finally I have a new fancy schmancy iMac 20 inch! My Christmas present, a tad early. Hey, I've been a good girl, I have!) Her son is quite the actor, having spent time in LA, Atlanta and wherever he's needed on various productions. This year, he was invited to do a Christmas show with a certain local country music celeb. He had a major part and, of course, he did a right-on-the-money job. His mom video taped it and so we worked all night getting it in to DVD format. What a learning curve that was! ha. But, by this morning, I finally finished the master copy, complete with introduction, title and Christmas music. We did a fine job, if I do say so myself. After finishing that project, I went back and put the final touches on my ATCs and Christmas tags. So you see, friends, I have been in the thick of the hustle and bustle too!

The hub survived his brush with "death." (tongue in cheek) Poor guy. It was a horrible 24 hour bug, thank goodness. He claims the chicken soup revived him. I made everyone eat (cats included) some and the rest of us have been taking all our notions and potions to keep us from getting it. The hub has been quarantined to the guest room on the main floor. I'm not quite sure when I will "allow" him to return to the master chambers, giggle. I'm quite liking having the bed to myself and watching TV or flipping through magazines at all hours of the night! grin. At any rate, I'm sure glad he's feeling better.

The weather has turned a tad warmer and all the kids are out playing in the back pond breaking the ice. It's fun to hear the muffled little voices running around (in between Frankie barking at them!).

Today, I am finishing up my Society of Secret Fairies' gift. Been working hard on that too. I have a couple of items to add and a quick jaunt to the Square is in order today. I got Peggy's Christmas Stocking Swap out last Saturday; and I hope Sombra likes what he received. How hard is it buying for a guy? Well, I just tried to think what my brothers would have enjoyed when they were little (and grown) and threw it all together. I made the stocking out of a vintage money sack from Wall Street that I had found at a local junk shop. Thought that would be kinda cute. Tried to be whimsical and incorporate what I had learned about him on his blog. It was quite the challenge, I tell you. But a fun challenge, just the same. You know, I'm always up to that! Peggy knows me pretty well. A big thank you to her for putting it together. Love ya Peg!

Here's a few more decorations around the place.

My oldest brother Joe made this for mom in the 50s. How kitschy is that!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

A print of "my" beloved Mt. Vernon with an old 60s wrapping adornment (I'm sure from Mary Jane!)

One of my many creches. I purchased most of these pieces on my honeymoon in Rome. How special is that!

Hope you, too, are enjoying the Season.


Shelley said...

Hee hee..I like your preventive medicine..esp the gingerbread cookie. You've been busy!!! I've been napping today. Been hit with the bigtime lazys. You inspire me.


Peggy said...

I am sure you did a wonderful job with the stocking swap. I can always count on your! the stocking itself sounds perfect. you are such a talented lady.

Janet said...

You are one busy gal!! I think the stocking made from an old money sack sounds great! Very creative. I just love all your decorations. I bet your house is a Christmas wonderland.

Miss Robyn said...

Rosa - I love that lamp with the little elves hanging from it ! it is just so sweet :)

Miss Robyn said...

I love the SOSF it is such fun!

Susie said...

Love the little creche from your honeymoon (wow, in Rome!)
Your whole house is so filled with Christmas Joy and spirit..

Carole Burant said...

Sounds like you're really in the Christma mode now and I just love the little decorations on your mantle! What a terrific idea to use toy alphabet blocks to spell out Merry Christmas! Love it!! Glad to hear your hubby is feeling much better!! Love your creche, so gorgeous and unusual! xox

Carole Burant said...

Sounds like you're really in the Christma mode now and I just love the little decorations on your mantle! What a terrific idea to use toy alphabet blocks to spell out Merry Christmas! Love it!! Glad to hear your hubby is feeling much better!! Love your creche, so gorgeous and unusual! xox

Beth said...

Dang,,you got all of your art finished. I am laggin bad. I am taking off tomorrow and finishing every thing,,lol. Hey,,is it spring yet? Sure felt like it today.

Tea said...

Love your decorations and especially that Nativity scene from Rome!


TJ said...

I'm agravated now...I've missed a couple of your posts...bloglines must be off...argggg!!



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