Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Cathedral of St. Patrick, New York City

The Front of St. Pat's

One of my all-time favorite places in the world is The Cathedral of St. Patrick, or just good ol' St. Pat's. When the hub and I were married, we flew to NYC and stayed at the Plaza (MY Plaza as in previous post). We got up the next morning and strolled over to St. Pat's for mass. I was still a very new Catholic; and the beauty and traditions of Catholicism were still fresh and exciting to me. Walking into St. Pat's was awe inspiring. It certainly is a sight to behold. It now reminds me of all the funerals held there after 9/11 when I look up at the American flag hanging there in the great hall. It is a wonderful place to sit and pray and meditate and, of course, light candles for all those in need. I lit candles for all of my friends needing a little extra at this time, you know who you are, and then I just sat and prayed. There are numerous chapels which have candle alters. These are the ones I chose to pray at during this visit.

The Alter of the Sacred Heart, with painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe

This I dedicate to those who have lost their mothers this year.

Here's one of the infamous spires and the 51st Street side view.

It felt good to be here.


brsmaryland said...

I love St. Patrick's. What a great cathedral. I stop there most every time I'm in NYC.

Carole Burant said...

Oh wow...Rosa, of course I had heard of this Cathedral but had never seen pictures of the inside of it! It's fabulous and I can just imagine how it feels to walk inside!! Hugs xox



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