Sunday, December 17, 2006

O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum . . .

. . . wie grun sind deine blatter!

Our Christmas tree arrived last Tuesday. It's been so pretty sitting, free of ornaments, stretching it's limbs out. I almost hated to decorate it. But, the kid insisted today. And I admit, it is absolutely breathtaking, at least to us.

Each ornament holds a special place in our hearts. So many from years' past. A lot were found broken, unfortunately. I don't understand how two grown men can half-hazardly place boxes (that I have listed as FRAGILE) on top of one another waiting for them to teeter over within a year's time. And, of course, the ones that broke are the ones from my childhood. For the life of me . . . ok, never mind. I'll move on. I'll pick this bone later in the season with the two grown men in question . . . like when the ornaments are again being stored!

The kid and hub putting on the lights.

The kid couldn't reach the top, so the hub did the honors of placing the star on top.

My friend Kell made these for me many, MANY years ago.

Everyone has to have a pickle ornament for good luck, no?

This is one of the "modern" 60s ornaments that has survived over the years (plastic!).

And these too are from my childhood. We had so many over the years, it's a shame that they're almost all gone. My favorite was always the sphere with Santa in the middle.

My Aunt Suzanne made these in her last year of life. I have several.

From our trip to Scotland.

Our trip to London.

Our last home was in Leesburg, VA

My dear friend Lori gave this to us the year the hub turned 40. He was hell-bent on getting a motorcycle! (This mid-life crisis passed, that God!)

The teenager's first Christmas ornament. Notice the raspberry he's giving!
One of the kid's homemade ornaments.

An angel given to us by an old college chum of the hub's Pat and Lisa in NYC.

Got a bunch of these after Christmas last year at Bergdorf's in NYC.

Dun dun dun, the finished Christmas Tree! Yeah!!!

The kid is dying for me to wrap the goodies from NYC and put them under the tree. Hopefully, I'll get to that tomorrow!

Look at what the neighbors brought over. Need I say, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas?

Oh yes, I still have one more post from NYC. So, hang tight chillins.


Susie said...

Your tree is just amazing! All those treasures. The one that caught my eye was the star type from the 60's My Mom had a whole tree of those. Hadn't thought of them in years and I have no clue what she did with them. Thanks for the memory!

Lena said...

Just as a Christmas tree should be...full of memories! It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your tree was just perfect to begin with...then when decorated it is magnificent!!! My little pink tree I am sure does not smell as wonderful as your tree. Rob and I have purchased a real tree in the past and I just hate to have to take it down.

You have some very nice neighbors. Those cupcakes ALMOST look too pretty to


Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

That's a pretty and harmonious tree! I love the decorations. It's a pity that a few got broken...

I also love the cute cupcakes that your neighbors brought. They are nice people!

Mark McLellan said...

Rosa. We are lagging a little. No external house decorations and I only put the tree up last week. Normally Mary's family wait until after sister Sandra's birthday on the 12th.

We bought an artifical tree a few years back. It may be made from petrochemical products but it does get re-used year after year. It doesn't shed needles and does not contribute to the annual slaughter of millions of innocent trees. So I reckon our eco-karma is OK.

Mary has decorated it in a minimalist style, all gold and white. That meant a new of lights and decorations so the old family "heirlooms" are still up in the loft :-( Maybe next year.


MarkMcL (aka Mr English)

TJ said...

I loved your live Christmas tree...I can't have one due to severe alergy but I love to see yours...and what nice neighbors you have!!

Dianne said...

Beautiful tree, Ro. Ours is our piano this year. No room. Presents are arranged underneath.

Speaking of "the kid" please tell him I said hello and I miss seeing him across the street!

weirdbunny said...

You tree is amazing !!!! and I want to eat one of those cup cakes right now !!!

Anonymous said...

what lovely, memory filled ornaments and how cosy your home looks. I have the twin of your tin motorcyclist. But I've never seen a pickle bauble before!



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