Tuesday, October 31, 2006

. . . And Later That Night

Ooooooh, the scary porch!

The kid and the hub always carve two pumpkins each year (one for each boy). There's nothing like waiting 'til the last minute! hehe. The carvings were finished just at sundown and just as the first trick-or-treater arrived. Hooray!

Then it was time to get the kid ready to go out after a hastily-eaten dinner. Don't even ask what he is. Yet, another last-minute moment.

Now some porch details . . . .

It has turned into a perfect Halloween night . . . very foggy . . . and oh-so-scary.

Hope everyone is safe at home and full of good candy.


savvycityfarmer said...

looks like a fun neighborhood.

Carole Burant said...

Happy Halloween dear Rosa!! I just LOVE the way you decorated your porch..beautiful! The Halloween Bash on my blog is still going strong...hehe!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Your porch is lovely, not just the perfect decorations but the porch itself with those fabulous wide brick steps. The entrance to your home, the pictures you've shown of the inside...well it's just so warm. I swear I can smell the scent of pumpkin spice and loving hospitality.

tlchang said...

I second Lisa - it's a fabulous porch - all the pumpkins, jack o lanterns and mums - so many autumnal colors and textures. Beautiful.

Vintage Wine said...

Hi Rosa!

I haven`t been able to visit your blog for a long, long time! I was really upset because I wanted to, but each time I tried to, my computer locked itself!

And now suddenly, I can visit your blog without any promblem!

I`m so glad to be back!

Take care,

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Nice pictures! Your front porch looks beautiful, as usual and the Halloween decorations are beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Hi Rosa!! I think this is the very first time I've been to your blog!!

I love the decor, and enjoyed reading about your Halloween (one of my favorite times of year!!) Why, last month, the entire month I had Halloween stuff all over my blog. But I just changed it all this morning.

Hope you have a terrific day Rosa, and I will be back.

Loved visiting.

Anonymous said...

Rosa, I received your fabulous package today! It is too amazing for words, you are so incredibly sweet! My favorite things are the star ornament, and the tin full of paper. Is that all vintage? Where on earth do you find such treasures!? Thank you thank you so much :)

Susie said...

Hi Rosa,
Loved seeing your porch decor. The candy looks yummy, but we've got enough here to last through Christmas!
It was a fun evening though!

Beth said...

What a fun night you had! The kid looked COOL! Porch was so awesome too! What a night to treasure! This weather feels like November today, yes?



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