Monday, September 01, 2008

Calm Before the Storm

We went for a walk along Mobile Bay Saturday night. It was as still as I had ever seen it. Barely a ripple in the waters. It's just so beautiful here. I've heard from our friends in Mobile that the Bay only got a 4-5 foot surge as Gustav hit during a neap tide (neither high nor low). Looks like we dodged the bullet this time. PTL. We're still not sure about flooding along the Fish River and will find out more tomorrow or Wednesday when our friend goes by Riverside to check things out. They are still having tornado warnings around the area, so we're still not out of danger yet. I still feel for the Louisianians who are taking the brunt of the storm.

The kid and the hub on the beach.

That beautiful Spanish moss with a local pier on Mobile Bay in the background.

Fire ants. Ew.

One of my favorite spots.

A monument overlooking the Bay.

As we went about gathering supplies for our first "evacuation" on Sunday, we spied all the oil- rig helicopters evacuating the little Fairhope airport. That's never a good sign. You can see the clouds beginning to roll in.

And so, we shut down and closed up Riverside and took to the roads North. With vivid memories of the "parking lots" before Katrina, we made sure we had extra gas, lots or water and nibbles in case we were stuck on the road for more than our usual six hour ride home.

Even Bella was covered with a litter-box-in-the-making, just in case. Wink wink. Isn't she just precious?

I would say 90% of the cars were from Louisiana and Mississippi. Clouds looking heavier as we crawled onto I-65 North.

Thank you for all your concerns. When I checked my email via the hub's phone half way home, I knew I had to make a quick post letting everyone know we were on our way home. And thus, why it looks like such a crude post.


Peggy said...

Glad Riverside seems to have made it. I have a friend that lives in LA and decided to stay. Its the first time she has done that. They are without power and the eye went 50 miles west of her home. She said the streets were full of items the wind had carried from who knows where. So far she is okay. I hope it ends soon but she says rain and winds thru Wednesday.

Shelley said...

I'm so glad you are alright. I've been sure thinking about you. Your photos are lovely. Take care!

Beth said...

The Bay looked so beautiful, gosh I miss going down that way so much. I havn't been in 5 years.
So glad Riverside is ok as far as you know. Just very thankful that ya'll made it home and are ok. I hope to see you this week-end.

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Rosa I am glad you are safe and headed home...Bella looks adorable.


Claire said...

Glad you're OK, sweetheart.

That kittie is precious!


Linda said...

I love your photos of the water. It looks incredible there. Glad you made it out ok.

Vallen said...

I'm glad you missed the worst of it.
That picture of the bench in silhouette - your favorite place - that should be hanging on a wall some place. It is stupendous!!!!

Jeanie said...

Love Bella and the box! The photos are lovely -- so calm..........

Anonymous said...

such a string of photos from calm and tranquil to downright dark and scary. fire ants!!! do they come out in the storm or what?? ewww is not strong enough for some creatures! your beach pictures really are beautiful. the bench, the spanish moss and pier.
glad you are safe my friend.



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