Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Third and Final Coat

Hurrah! We're coming in to the home stretch. Literally!! They finished the last coat on the wood floors this morning. Do I need to tell you that I am dying? I had forgot I'm allergic to the polyurethane fumes and my itchy eyes are back and my face swollen. Gee, the things we go through. I called my pharmacist to get my seasonal allergy medicine Singular refilled; but they tell me my insurance company is not paying for it anymore. As I claw at my eyes, I call my insurance company to see why they changed it on me--blah blah blah. "You have to have your physician phone us and ask for a 'Priority Authorization Form" which we will fax to them and then they will have to fill it out and fax it back." Wha? Why don't you just fax it to them and save a phone call? I'm dying here! Don'tcha just love them insurers. Gotta fight em tooth and nail to get anything out of them. Lawd. Don't even get me started. Ahchew! Bless me.

I simply cannot wait until tomorrow when I can finally start putting the house back together again. Everything has been stuffed in these front rooms since, well, August 23. Can you believe it? (Thank goodness for my blog, I'd never be able to remember a thing without it.) That's how long we've been living like this. Sick.

The guys came in yesterday to put up the pendants over the island, install the potfiller and finish painting. The paint is the wrong color, they broke the tiles trying to install the potfiller (still not installed) and they never got around to hanging the lights. Hmmm. Sound familiar?

The babies are once more locked in the rec room and office upstairs. Poor boos. It turned cold here last night and those two rooms are definitely insulated challenged (future project, I'm afraid to say). Thank goodness the sun shines through the sky lights during the day for them. Burr doggy (or kitty). I hate the winters up there. It is literally too cold to do anything in those two rooms. And guess where I will probably be moving my computer to? Yep. May be a sooner-than-later project. Oh well. I've already had to bring Bella into my room for a Bella fix. I can't live without that cat. She's my baby and I'm her momma. I know, sick, again.

I am just too excited. Won't be long 'til my bro and his family will be here! Can you hear me singing "Happy Days are Here Again?" Well, I'm not really. Not quite yet. But I'm warming up. Definitely can hear a little humming.


Vallen said...

That picture of your brother and dad is precious. It looks like a movie still they are so adorable. Everything looks perfect in the house. I know it's been hard but apparently well worth it.

Carole Burant said...

Oh dear, BLESS YOU!!! hehe The floor looks great, Rosa, and I can well imagine how happy you'll be to get everything put back in its place..ok, ecstatic would be a better word! lol The guys still seem to be having a few hiccups but hopefully they'll finally get it right tomorrow! Yup, I think you're just a wee bit excited that your brother and his family will be there soon! hehe xoxo

Linda said...

I know it was hell to go through, but it sure looks great. I hope it all gets straightened out before Thanksgiving.

Dianne said...

I'm back!

You poor thing. You must be at the end of your rope. So glad I'm not having to live through ours. It's beautiful!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Your floor looks really nice and shiny! I love that light in the room...

You have been tagged (see my blog/Thinking Blogger award)!



Lena said...

The sight of your brother there, cooking Thanksgiving along with you, will make it all worthwhile.

It all looks lovely, and well worth all the effort that it took.

Best wishes to you!



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