Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I So Ty-yid

When my brother John was little and he would get in trouble, he would look up at my mom or dad with these big brown eyes and say "I so ty-yid," thinking that if he went down for a nap he wouldn't get in trouble. It probably worked because mom loved telling that story. Look at him working over my dad. Is that not the cutest picture? Looks like dad's not buying what he's trying to sell.

But yes, I am so tired. I have been at it since I woke up this morning. Phew! It's definitely a two-Advil night. And, here we go again. Look familiar? Different kitchen, same floor. They're coming in the morning to finish them. Thank goodness. Can you tell I am SO ready to have this over and done with? Sorry the pics are so dark, but daig, it's getting dark early. ha.

I unpacked five boxes today, all of different sizes. I repacked three that I am giving away. One medium sized one is full of the coffee mugs mentioned in my previous post. And, just for Mr. English so he can see that I did indeed leave some mugs for the hub, here's a shot of all that is left. You can see a couple of non-effeminate ones, can't you? There's my old USA TODAY work mug, an H&H Bagel mug (can't get much more masculine than that), and a couple more hidden way back there, I'm sure. And what about the clear ones. Anyone can use those, am I right? Sorry, but I had to keep my CATS mug from my honeymoon in London and only a few more sentimental ones that friends have given me. But only a few. Anyway, who needs 60 coffee mugs? Not me, not any more. I'm turning over a new leaf by golly. I also came to the conclusion that some of my Tupperware must also go. I really needed that space for some platters that won't fit anywhere else. Sorry old reliable pieces. Good riddance o' bulky ones.

Every room in the front of the house is stuffed full again. Not that it hasn't been, but the sofa and kitchen table has been pushed back in where it shouldn't fit--my make-shift office. I'm hoping there's no dust involved with the last process of buffing because, of course, we put everything back up on the walls this weekend. It's so nice to have art back up on the walls. It's so bor-ring with nothing there. And, I truly needed Lisa's Mother Earth back and watching over us. All is well with her there. (Again, horrible pic! Click on Mother Earth to see how truly beautiful she is.)

This is the front hall and dining room. SCREAM! I can tell you, come this weekend everything will be put back in its place. I'm not quite sure everything still has a place, but it will be put somewhere. If I have to step over another pile of junk, I'm going to lose it. (Actually, I think I already have--so sorry.)


ChrisJ said...

But the view in the second photo looks wonderful! The floors are gorgeous. Hang in there. May be it won't be too long before it is all done and looks fabulous. I have to tell you if you don't do it now, the more years that go by the less likely you will be to do it. Take it from one who knows!

Beth said...

Everything looks awesome Girlfriend! I am glad to hear your feeling better too. Take it easy and don't kill yourself but it really looks wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Rennovations can drive you nuts can't they? But it will all be worth it in the end.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do remember both mom and dad getting such a kick out of me saying that. I wonder why I was always so tired? Anyway, just got back from the Zappa on Zappa concert. It was like dying and going to Frank Zappa heaven. I'll fill you in on the details later. Your place looks great. Even if you are so tired it seems worth it. I need you to come up here and fixed my apartment up. God knows it needs it.

Brother John

Anonymous said...

That old family photo is adorable! So precious; I'm sure you have an important place reserved for it in your lovely home. :)



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