Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Twenty Years Ago Today

The hub and I are celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary today. Well, we're not really celebrating today because I am still sick. We will postpone it until later in the week. But, 20 years! Wow. I don't even feel 20 (or at least act it!). hehe.

This is what the hub had made for me in Sydney at Giulians when he was there last year. He had it made in yellow gold, which he knew I prefer. I think it adds to the champagne diamond in the center. I am just in love with it! Am I not the luckiest?


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

what a great image you used, it's perfect. Happy Anniversary to you and the hub!
I hope you feel better soon and then you two can whoop it up. lol!

Twenty years? Ours is THIRTY this year, um hello, not even thirty myself so how is that even possible??? heehee
Rosa, we're mere babes!! :)

Sending more healing vibes!

Susie said...

Happy Anniversary! Twenty years is a milestone. I remember our 20th like it was yesterday, but it was almost twenty years ago.
Get well soon so you can celebrate!!


Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. We celebrated our 20th 5 months ago.

Carole Burant said...

Congratulations to you and hubby, dear Rosa!!! So, after 20 years, who deserves a medal..him or you??? hehe Hope you get well reallll soon so that you two can go out to celebrate:-) xoxo

Janet said...

Happy Anniversary!! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

congratulations my friend! Get well soon so you can celebrate in style Peggy

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Wishing you both a Happy Anniversary! Feel better soon and celebrate! :)

Lila Rostenberg said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!
I hope you feel better soon!

I see you love Tasha Tudor too!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Happy wedding anniversary to you and your hubby!!! Wow, 20 years, that's a long time!
I hope that you'll soon get better and that you'll be able to celebrate this date in a more festive way!...

Anonymous said...

OMG has it already been 20 years? I remember the day that you and your hub were married in Washington, DC and whisked away in a horse drawn carriage. It was the most lovely wedding ever. You two were (and still are) the ideal couple. Congrats on your anniversary. Get well soon so that you and hub can go out and kick up your heels somewhere special.

Heather said...

Congratulations!!!! I wish you 20 more!!! (Hope you're feeling better!!)

Anonymous said...

Happy wedding anniversary!! ;-)

TJ said...

Congrats to you and Hubby!!
You just need to get well now!!

Mark McLellan said...

Blimey, Mary and I have some way to catch up with you lot! 13.5 down, 6.5 to go. Mind you I did start late, didn't marry till I was 41. *Congratulations* and get well soon.

Beth said...

Happy Late Anniversary!! 20 years is a long time in this day and age. Dan and I will be in our 60s before we hit our 20th. xoxoxoxooxox



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