Sunday, March 04, 2007

Are You Hung Up?

This old illustration was too funny to resist using. Yep, that's exactly what I look like when I'm decorating! I wish.

This weekend has been full of hanging all my "stuff" back up on the walls. The hub and teenager got the big mirror back up in the hall by our bedroom. I always hate hanging that thing. It weighs a ton and I'm always afraid it will fall. I hung several of my old flower prints in the upstairs hall. I kind of like the open look so I'm not sure I'm going to put the other four back up. We'll see. I have some brass switch plates ordered. Who knows when they will arrive.

Here is how the back foyer is progressing. Always fun doing this area. I didn't get all of the kids' artwork back up either. But, I did put up my Piet Worm children illustrations and worked around them.

Of course, I have more to hang, but that will wait for another day when I am again motivated to do so. I think for now, it's jammy time down South.


Beth said...

Hi Rosie,,Its looking mighty pretty there in the Roseshak,,I Love your decorating style. I hope to see you soon girlfriend!!

Anonymous said...

I just love seeing how you are decorating your home. You make it so beautiful yet homey and inviting. BTW I have 10 of the same flower pictures and have them hanging in my living room on light yellow walls!

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful. You are creating the perfect home for yourself...I would say you are doing a wonderful job.

Take care,

Carole Burant said...

I think everything looks great!! Funny how much just hanging a few pictures and such can add so much to a room! It's all come together so nicely!! xoxo

Linda said...

You home is looking really great. I know it was alot of work. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hate those colds.

Heather said...

Things are looking beautiful!!!



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