Monday, June 26, 2006


Amazing. I just found this on one of my brother's sites. This is probably circa late 70s, early 80s. Still have the Frank Zappa T! (If only I could fit into it.......) ha.


Lena said...

Whoa! We have almost the same hair! Or did. If you recall my was just recently cut! :>(
What a pretty picture! I was a Stones girl myself.
I wish I was your neighbor...I would gladly have watched Miss Bev for you too without the Peach Cobbler, but my goodness...that looks really good! I like the shell candleholder centerpiece a lot!
So glad you had a good time, but I have to say I'm awfully happy you're back in Blogville!

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Great picture of you with your nice curly hair!

weirdbunny said...

I love seeing photo's of people when they where younger. We've got photo's of the wood cutter in his youth actually looking like frank zapper!!! scarry or what!!

Dianne said...

What a hottie you were!



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