Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

We had this amazing downpour yesterday afternoon. It was literally (well, almost) raining cats and dogs--all while the sun was shining. This is across the street from our house looking up the mountain (hill) behind Dianne's house. It all came rushing down, flooding the street and continuing down to the ponds behind our house. The pond overflowed quite quickly. Guess this is what is known as Flash Flooding! It happened very fast!

When we first moved here, we were amazed to get "rain days" out of school--I suppose these make up for the "snow days" we never get. Since we live in a valley of sorts with lots of creeks and such running from the mountains surrounding us, we quite often get street flooding in areas. It is rare, though, that right here in our neighborhood we get enough straight rain to make this type of impact. It's incredible to watch.

Needless to say, everything is quite green here as we've had rain in the afternoons for the past four days. Hey, I'm not complaining--keeps me from getting out in almost 100 degree weather to water!

All photos were taken by the kid.


Anonymous said...

I remember those sites quite well. Oh how I miss being on your street and going for a walk in the development. I can't believe how beautiful the grass looks. I know what you mean about welcoming the continuous keeps you from having to water grass and flowers. My kind of day. Thanks to the kid for taking such great pics.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

Wow, that rain looks gorgeous and those pictures are nice!
You are lucky to have 100°, we here are experiencing the worst weather ever for this period!!! It is now 56° and it has even snowed in some places. The nights are pretty cold (freezing in some places)!!!...

mrspao said...

Wow! That's a lot of rain! The green does look incredible though.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, how frightening just seeing the photos, glad you were out of harms way!

Linda said...

Did you know that the daying-raining cats and dogs-comes from the time when people kept animals in the house with them, usually in the attic and when it rained sometimes the animals would fall through the ceiling-thus, raining cats and dogs. Strange but true.



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