Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Wharf, Orange Beach, AL

Yesterday, we all piled in the car and headed to the shore and ended up at The Wharf in Orange Beach.
Here, the cuz is doing the zip line! Ooof!

The kid and I waited a the bottom!

This is a pretty new complex so there are new stores opening each time I visit. This one had some delightful pieces. I wanted each one!

But these were my favs.

The cuz wanted to have a graffiti shirt made.

Then we headed to the beach to watch the sun set.

It was a fun day and a beautiful evening.



Queenly Things said...

Oh, I just love this vacation you've taken us on.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

A great place! I love that last picture!



Beth said...

Oh,,it makes me miss the beach so much! I sometimes can actually smell the salt air as I am missing it so much.
Love the shops too!

Snap said...

I don't need to travel 'cause I've been traveling with Ro! :D :D

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, We're home after a wonderful weekend in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains. I'll post in the morning.

I cannot believe what a fabulous trip you all have had --and are having!!!!!


Jeanie said...

It's been such fun following your holiday withyou! Love it!



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