Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yesterday was gorgeous here in Nashville. I spied some tulips (albeit funky tulips) that had sprung up seemingly overnight.

Of course, I had to cut them and bring them into the house to enjoy.

Aren't they beautiful?

Miss Sherrie came over (my Godsend) and mom was just beaming from ear to ear. Sherrie had been on vacation for a week, and we all missed her very much. We sat in the sun and got our 20 minutes of vitamin D, all three of us! Squint!

I found this piece on my way home from Alabama last week for mom. It was absolutely the most perfect saying I had ever found. I love her so. She was the best mom ever raising me.

Well, I'm beginning to see a difference in my dieting. Let's hope I can keep it up! Geesh.

Photos for my own morale! (And yes, the guest room is my catch all after a trip! Like I've been home for a week!) Can you say L-A-Z-Y? Teheh, this is the room my brother Jim is ready to redecorate for me. Bring it on brutha!

It turned cooler today and is supposed to begin raining. I hope we get thunderstorms! The kid and I are just dying for a good one!



Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

What gorgeous tulips! Very psychedelic indeed! I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying the effects of dieting. Great!



Beth said...

OMG! You have lost ALOT of weight,,you are looking great girlie! The flowers are beautiful but your Mom is the prettiest! Keep an eye on those moles and keep up the good work with the diet!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Those tulips are gorgeous.. As you said, they are 'funky'!!!! Neat!!!

Good luck with your diet. I started one this week myself. I have been so BAD and so LAZY My weight is always either going up or down. Right now it's UP... SO---I'm going to try to get it down again.. I just love to eat--what else can I say???? ha

We didn't get a drop of rain today. Did you????

Robin said...

way to go girl! I need to get back on the wagon!
That little saying for your mom is precious! I wish I had found that when my mom could understand what it was all about....isn't it just amazing how our mothers shape us? Kinda makes me scared how my 15 year old will turn out! LOL!
Thanks for the mole info....we have some suspicious looking ones around here we have to get checked out!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the first thing I noticed as I scrolled down, was that you'd lost lots of weight. You look so pretty!

You are so lucky to have had such a wonderful mom, and she's equally as fortunate to have you.


Linda said...

Love those flowers. And congrats on losing weight. I have lost about 10 pounds but I have had to excercise my little heart out to do it.

Dianne said...

Gosh're turning into a hottie! Good for you and I'm sure your new exercise will be the hub chasing you around the bedroom!

John Ivey said...

Grow those funky tulips white girl! Sister, you look great, and mom does, too.



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