Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where in the World is Rosa?

Well, I'm off again into the wild blue yonder. Sorry I have been MIA. I've been waiting to post until I was here. Now, who's going to guess where here is? The last time I had this guessing game, Shelley and Rosa won--both guessing correctly that I was in NYC.

Oh oh OH! Even more big doings here in Rosaland. This is my one thousandth post. Who woulda thunk it? If I'm correct, that's averaging about 1 1/2 a day. Hmmm. That's like having 3 1/2 kids. Don't make no sense. ha. I almost missed it as I don't normally look at how many posts I have. For some reason, last week, I took a peek. It took a while to figure out where to find how many posts I had done, but I finally did. Eeek.

And then, as if that's not enough, I also need to pick a name for the One World, One Heart giveaway. I think I will wait until later to do that. I hope all the participants don't mind waiting another day or so.
Ok, here's the deal. The first one to guess correctly where Rosa is, that would be me, I will get a little something from here and send to you.
The second person will be considered the first person to comment on my 1000th post and they too will get something, maybe from here, maybe from home, maybe from who knows where. Whatchya think?

Have fun guessing! I have to admit, I'm having fun myself. I really did need a little getaway. Oh, and by the way. This is our hotel fish named Bill Cosby. Isn't he a hoot!

Okay, start guessing . . . . . . . n o w !


tricia stirling said...

Hi Rosa, are you in Gorgea? actually i have no idea, I am just here to tell you that you have won one of the pieces from my one world one heart giveaway! since neither you nor the other winner specified a piece you prefer, I thought I'd give you each the opportunity to choose--hopefully you won't pick the same one! here's the link to see what you won: thanks so much and i hope you are having a great time on your trip!
love, tricia stirling

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well, I hope you are in D.C. since you used to live there....

Wherever you are, it is gorgeous!!! Have a great time.

Robin said...

I'm taking a total wild guess and I'm going to say you are at the Biltmore Hotel!

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, but are you somewhere in CA? Wherever it is, it's pretty. Glad to hear that you got a chance to get away...have a great time and I will catch up with you later. Have fun.

Rosa's Yummy Yums said...

I would say somewhere like Washington D.C... Very difficult to guess right.

Anyway have a great time!



Anonymous said...

Even if I know.... Can I play? Ha, Ha! Or would it be cheating??

Beth said...

Opryland Hotel,,no doubt about it.
Or some place that looks like it.
Wah,,,wish I was there!

Carole Burant said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post, dear Rosa!! I must say, every one of them delightful:-) Hmmmm, where in the world are you...well I know you're not here in Canada with me so I'll guess Chicago? Don't ask me why I thought of there! lol Wherever you are I hope you're having a fabulous time! xoxo

Angela Harris said...

Hey there! Have a safe Just wanted to say thank you for visiting my site for the One World one Heart giveaway. Because I wanted to be able to give everyone a giveaway gift I've discounted all of my Etsy shop items by 20% until March 1st.
I'll be back to say hello!
Your new blog buddy
Angela Harris

YourAngil.Blogspot.coma fun trip!

Motherkitty said...

Been there, done that. Definitely the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN.

jet1960 said...

Hawaii? Wherever you are I know you are enjoying yourself.

Jill T.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Hopefully somewhere Parisian and romantic for Valentines Day!

Sweet wishes,

Saucy said...

That photo looks like one that I saw of a hotel in Nashville but that makes no sense so I guess I am stumped. Who names a fish Bill Cosby anyway?

Congratulations on your 1000th post, your blog makes me smile every single time I visit.

Anonymous said...

Rose!!! It's not fair! I know the answer!!! I just got your card now, like 5 minutes ago. Dang it! I've been sick and hubby's been fetching the mail and hording it for distribution. Then today I took all the kiddies to the mtn for ski racing. I gotta call you! Owen has a ferret named Bill Shatner................XXOO ~ A

Anonymous said...

i am not even going to try and guess this dear. i would surely say something silly like chicago or even portland so consider those non-guesses. we just got back form the beach after being gone 5 days..i got a sweet, sweet something in the mail form somewhere near tennessee. thank you you, thank you XOXOX

you sound like you are having fun wherever you are :) 1000 post no way 1.5 a day. i can't even imagine being that organized. congratulations! is that why you are gone? are you celebrating your 1,000th birthday?



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